Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Maintenance Airworthiness Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Maintenance 2012/09/6-020 (I) PP Concept Prepared By; Author: Pete Wilhelmson, Material and support: ASI Michael Baird, Boise FSDO, Photos by Helicopter Association International, Development support June Tonsing, Produced by Felice Brunner. This presentation focuses on awareness education only. It does not provide the technical systems discussion nor FAA certification or surveillance activities performed by qualified/trained ASI’s. It is a platform for discussion of the material presented. NOTE: Other related matters may be added by the FPM, to support local issues. <Audience> <Presenter’s Name, Title> 2012
Introduction are being performed on NVIS aircraft Maintenance and alterations are being performed on NVIS aircraft that have negatively affected NVIS compatibility. This may be attributed to lack of awareness about NVIS and Night Vision Goggles (NVG) and/or limited knowledge of maintenance requirements and training. Read Introduction
Objectives Advise that repair stations/ mechanics / repairman can affect NVIS modified aircraft. Advise that alterations/ routine field approvals can affect NVIS compatibility Advise how to better prepare before maintenance is performed on NVIS and NVG Read the objectives
NVIS Problems or Issues Lack of Awareness of NVIS Limited or lack of training regarding NVIS. Maintenance/alterations have been performed which have negatively affected NVIS compatibility This slide focus is on NVIS. Discuss Awareness: Maintenance personnel may not be aware that the aircraft they are about to work on may very well be an NVIS configured aircraft or the component they are about to work on may belong to an NVIS configured aircraft. Discuss Knowledge: The applicable required NVIS training may not been accomplished or accomplished ineffectively. There may be limited or no knowledge regarding what maintenance requirements exist for NVIS and NVG and/or where to find them. Possibly not understanding the maintenance requirements is a factor which may be attributed to training. Q1. Ask if anyone can express how their training programs were revised to include NVIS topics. Ask participation 135 operators and 145 Agencies to share which employees are being trained; what topics are covered, etc. keep discussion focused but short. Everyone who works on aircraft should know if aircraft or components are NVIS and be aware that any maintenance or alteration action could affect system compatibility and configuration. Pre-maintenance preparation is a must. Ask any maintenance participants if…………or how they identify NVIS aircraft or components before working on them. Regarding the maintenance requirements…………can anyone identify them or briefly explain where to find them? 4
Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Problems or Issues Lack of Awareness of NVG Limited or lack training regarding NVG NVG Goggles: It is important to recognize that NVGs are a part of the overall NVIS and although they are not physically connected to the aircraft NVGs are considered appliances. Like NVIS, there may lack of awareness regarding the specific NVG being used as well as necessary training requirements to maintain them. Does anyone know what training requirements exist? Are your personnel currently trained? Is the training provided the most current information? Go to the Next Slide
NVG Problems or Issues May not know or understand NVG specific maintenance requirements. Your local FSDO ASI can help educate repair stations, repairman and other mechanics about aircraft modified for NVIS and NVG. What about the specific NVG maintenance and inspection requirements? Are you familiar with them and are they understood? This is necessary prior to any NVG maintenance or inspection. This should be an integral part the training program. If you are not 100% confident…… should validate and affirm! The FAA is aggressively providing ASIs special NVIS/NVG training as well as providing more guidance how to better evaluate, monitor, and assist Operators of NVIS aircraft as well as 145 Repair Stations who work on NVIS aircraft. They can help you.
NVIS and NVG Maintenance Providers NVIS Operators, certificated Repair Stations and any other qualified AMT’s need to be trained and familiar with: Operator’s NVIS aircraft maintenance program NVG Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICAs) MX Providers may be helicopter operators operating under FAR Part 135 approved to conduct NVIS operations, Repair Stations with appropriate Ratings and Limitations and Certificated Mechanics with at least airframe rating. All must be familiar with: Read bullets. Ask Q1: Where are the NVIS MX programs or NVG ICAs identified? A1: Currently the FAA issues Operations Specification (Ops Specs) A050 and D093 to approve NVIS operations to Helicopter Operators under CFR Part 135. Both are very short…………..Ops Specs A050 is three pages and approves NVIS operations. Ops Specs D093 is only one page and approves NVIS and NVG maintenance programs. These documents clearly identify the NVIS and NVG maintenance requirements. Go to Next slide 7
This is Ops Spec D093. This slide shows an active D093 Ops Spec for a NVIS Operator. Note the aircraft registration number and aircraft serial number, normally identified here, have been removed to protect identity information. This Ops Spec clearly identifies the approved and the required maintenance documents. Read the Ops Spec………..emphasize how specific the maintenance documents are recorded. All Maintenance providers should be familiar with this document, especially Table 1. It specifies the Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) used to install the NVIS system, the maintenance document required to maintain the NVIS system and Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) used to maintain the night vision goggles NVG. The key point here is that the maintenance documents are applied to very specific aircraft and specific goggles approved for use. Note it also refers to Ops Spec. A050 Note that NVGs are not aircraft specific. They may or may not be manufactured under a Technical Standard Order (TSO) but will have their own ICAs such as the documents identified in this table. Theoretically any goggle meeting existing minimum performance standards could potentially be approved for use in any NVIS configured aircraft. NVGs that have been demonstrated to be compatible with the installed NVIS lighting system is identified in the flight manual supplement (FMS). However, this case, the NVIS STC holder has documented/identified in their data package a specific manufactured goggle to be used with their NVIS system. Q2. Does anyone know why a reference to A050 is included in D093? A2. Go to the next slide
This is Operations Specification A050. Shown here is page 2 This is Operations Specification A050. Shown here is page 2. Read the Ops Spec. Although this Ops Spec approves NVIS operations it is shown here to point out it does specify additional NVG “checking requirements”. Albeit this section refers to “Crewmember” preflight of the goggles, maintenance personnel should be aware paragraph b and Table 2. It too is very specific regarding which documents, with references, to be used during preflight of the goggles. Note this paragraph refers back to D093. All the “dots” are connected. Point out the last paragraph (2)
Maintenance on NVIS Aircraft NVIS system maintenance on NVIS modified aircraft require special considerations identified in the Limitations and Conditions section of the applicable NVIS STC. Other maintenance on NVIS modified aircraft require special considerations identified in the Limitations and Conditions section of the applicable NVIS STC. Read first bullet. It is very clear that maintenance on the NVIS System requires understanding and using an approved maintenance data to preserve system compatibility. Read second bullet. Would anyone care to share why this is so? Because performing other routine maintenance such as the simple process of changing a gage or light bulb could have potential to adversely affect NVIS configuration or system component compatibility. Maintenance providers need to have knowledge and understanding of the NVIS system to avoid this. Now you all know that NVIS/NVG approved maintenance documents are listed in Ops D093 and the preflight requirements are in Ops Spec A050. That’s great but how do the maintenance documents get into the maintenance provider hands? Recall a maintenance provider may be the operator, repair station or a certificated mechanic. The operator should provide them to the maintenance provider prior to any maintenance action on an NVIS aircraft. If they are not provided, the maintenance provider should request them. The documents should be reviewed, discussed and understood. Both the operator should also be confident that the maintenance provider is trained/qualified will perform the work in accordance with all related and applicable documents. The NVIS system configuration and compatibility must remain intact when the aircraft is approved for return to service. Operators should also consider unscheduled maintenance needs performed on aircraft away from base of operations. Is it possible that Certificated Mechanic could be hired to perform necessary off site maintenance? If so, they too should be aware of NVIS status of aircraft as well as special limitations and conditions of NVIS maintenance documents before performing maintenance. Also operators of NVIS configured aircraft should also affirm these individuals also have the training, tools and test equipment as well. Recall earlier Ops Spec D093 listed an STC by number and NVG ICA as the approved NVIS maintenance documents.
NVIS System Maintenance Documents STC Data could consist of: ICA drawing packages Operator maintenance programs with the ICAs incorporated STC holder repair procedures STC holder modification procedures STC holder process specifications, etc. NVIS systems are typically installed per Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). Ask if anyone does not know what an STC is. Be prepared to provide a very brief explanation. STC holders data must be used in conjunction with the OEM data when performing maintenance and return to service of NVIS modified equipment. Read first bullet and sub bullets Emphasize that the operator should have these documents if they have been issued Ops Spec A050 and D093. In all cases, the maintenance provider should have access to and be familiar with the data before performing any maintenance. 11
NVIS System Maintenance Documents …..STC Data Maintenance providers must obtain this data from the operator, STC holder, or both S12 Read bullet. Emphasize that the operator should have the complete data packages if they have been issued Ops Spec A050 and D093. However, it is possible they may not. The maintenance provider may have to contact the STC holder. Q1. Can anyone know why this may be so? A1. Because the ICA may reference procedures, not in the hands of the operator, that must be used when performing maintenance. As an example READ this excerpt from an ICA: “Externally applied filters, instrument postlights and NVIS compatible lamps may be reinstalled in the field providing the work is accomplished or certified by a qualified mechanic and performed per XYZ, Inc. repair procedure RP-1046, and subsequently checked for proper operation in accordance with XYZ, Inc. document E99-196. Copies of these documents are part of the data package supplied at the installation of the STC, or are available from XYZ, Inc. upon request”. This is why it is so important for the maintenance provider to read and be familiar with the data package to insure all data elements are available before performing any maintenance. 12
NVG Maintenance Documents The following applicable documents ensure the operator’s maintenance program is adequate to maintain the NVG: Elements specified in RTCA/DO-275 FAA approved maintenance program containing NVG maintenance procedures (ICA) Start slide Read first bullet Stop ask if anyone is not familiar with RTCA/DO-275. Briefly explain RTCA stands for Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, Organized in 1935, private-not for profit corporation, functions as Federal Advisory Committee. It’s recommendations are used by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as the basis for policy, program, and regulatory decisions and by the private sector as the basis for development, investment and other business decisions. DO-275 is one of many documents developed and owned by the RTCA. It is a powerful document containing Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Integrated Night Vision Imaging System Equipment. Finish slide The elements specified in this document are used as the basis for development of FAA approved maintenance, preventive maintenance and inspection programs as well as contains NVIS training requirements. Go to next slide
NVG Maintenance Documents The following applicable documents ensure the operator’s maintenance program is adequate to maintain the NVG: FAA approved NVG repair specifications NVG manufacturers’ maintenance manual Read slide
TSO-C164 Subject: Night Vision Goggles Refers to Minimum Performance Standards (MPS) in RTCA/DO-275 Effective Date: 9/30/2004 Purpose: This Technical Standard Order (TSO) is for manufacturers of head-mounted, binocular assembly, night vision goggles applying for a TSO authorization or letter of design approval. It specifies what minimum performance standards (MPS) night vision goggles must first meet for approval and identification with the applicable TSO marking. Requirements: New models of night vision goggles identified and manufactured on or after the effective date of this TSO must meet the MPS set forth in Section 2 of RTCA Document No. (RTCA/DO)-275, Minimum Operational Performance Standards for Integrated Night Vision Imaging System Equipment, dated October 12, 2001.
FAA certificated repair station Certificated mechanic TSO NVG Maintenance Maintenance and preventative maintenance for NVG produced under a TSO is performed by: FAA certificated repair station Operators with an FAA approved maintenance program containing NVG maintenance procedures Repair Stations must have the limitations and ratings, all applicable maintenance data, trained personnel, and required tools and test equipment. Operators with NVIS and NVG approved maintenance programs must have appropriate trained maintenance personnel and the tools and test equipment if their employees maintain the aircraft. If maintenance is outsourced, then operator should assure this maintenance provider uses approve NVG ICA’s as well as affirm trained personnel and the required tools and test equipment is available and used. A certificated mechanic with at least airframe rating may work on NVIS systems and NVG’s. They too must be appropriately trained and have tools and test equipment to perform the work Certificated mechanic meeting all the requirements of part 65
Non-TSO NVG Maintenance NVIS/NVG Operators FAA certificated repair station with NVG maintenance procedures NVG manufacturer’s authorized maintenance facility Certificated mechanic meeting all the requirements of part 65 Maintenance and preventive maintenance for NVG not produced under a TSO but meeting the minimum performance standards of RTCA/DO-275may be performed by: Read each bullet Operators must have with maintenance and preventative maintenance procedures accepted by the FAA and contain specific elements in applicable sections in RTCA/DO-275. 2. Repair Stations must have Ratings and Limitations issued and authorized through Operations Specifications and use approved NVG maintenance procedures. 3. Manufacturers facility must meet minimum requirements of DO-275. 4. Mechanic (can hold only airframe rating) must be trained, have current maintenance procedures and have required tools and test equipment.
Alterations by Maintenance Providers Determine if an aircraft is NVIS prior to performing any alterations Follow required process to ensure NVIS compatibility is not compromised Field Approvals require the same considerations Any maintenance providers could possibly perform alterations. Read first bullet. Whether you are an Operator, A Repair Station or Certificated mechanic it is critical to determine if aircraft/component is NVIS configured before performing maintenance. Must be aware that any alteration installation could poses a risk of negative impact NVIS system compatibility. Read second bullet. Alterations may occur in the form of an STC, Airworthiness Directives, Service Bulletins and/or Letters and Instructions. These all have a potential of compromising NVIS system compatibility if your not aware of NVIS system configuration. It is not likely that NVIS systems were taken in consideration when any of these forms of alterations were being developed or engineered for a particular make model aircraft. Before any alteration activity the maintenance provider has responsibility to assert NVIS status, review NVIS System configuration data and maintenance processes and follow alteration process data as well as to assure no adverse affects to NVIS system. This Pre-maintenance research is a must. Read third bullet: When reviewing/processing Field Approvals data for a specific make and model aircraft, Aviation Safety Inspectors now also have to take in consideration if the aircraft NVIS configured. These too can affect NVIS system compatibility. NOTE that Field Approvals are not authorized for NVIS aircraft modifications.
RTCA/DO-275 Minimum Operational Performance Standards (MOPS) for Integrated Night Vision Imaging System Equipment Available at Recall earlier discussion of RTCA/DO-275. Reiterate first bullet. It contains Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance, Inspections, Training elements for NVIS Systems/NVG. Second bullet: If you operate or work on NVIS configured aircraft/components you should obtain a copy of this document. This web address is where to go to obtain the document. It is free electronically for RTCA members but a there is fee for printed copies for all.
Local Issues… Based on FSDO Feedback and/or Data
Summary Maintenance Providers Awareness NVIS Maintenance Documents NVG Maintenance Documents (ICA) Alteration Precautions Summary: First Bullet: Awareness begins with the maintenance provider knowing NVIS status of aircraft or components BEFORE working on them. They should have and be familiar with the operators NVIS/NVG maintenance program and documents as well as have required training, tools and test equipment to perform the work. Second/Third Bullet: 135 Helicopter Operators authorized to conduct NVIS Operations are issued Ops Specs D093 which lists both the NVIS and NVG approved maintenance programs. Typically the STC for NVIS and manufacturers ICA’s for NVG. Fourth Bullet: Alterations have potential to adversely affect NVIS configuration/compatibility. Know the NVIS status and maintenance data/requirements as well as alteration instructions beforehand.
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