1 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Review of Solidstate Photomultiplier Developments by CPTA & Photonique SA Victor Golovin – Center for Prospective Technologies & Apparatus (CPTA) & David McNally - Photonique SA
2 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Overview n + p p + - Visible light applications p + p n + - UV / Blue light applications Outlook
3 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb n + p p + Structure for Visible Light Applications Trench Architecture Low optical cross talk High fill / geometric factor Low excess noise Uniform Electric field 10µm Photo from (*): (*) O. Mineev et al. – Scintillator counters with multi-pixel avalanche photodiode readout for the ND280 detector of the T2K experiment; NIM A 577 (07)
4 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Threshold in photo-electrons equivalent Optical Cross-Talk Trench architecture significantly reduces optical cross talk and allows for improved tuning of readout threshold No Trench: Crosstalk: 20% … 30% Optical excitation of neighboring cells reduces effectiveness of applied readout threshold With Trench: Crosstalk: 1% … 3% Small changes in readout threshold allow for wide range of S/N tuning Dark count rate [kHz] (*) Y. Musienko – Advances in multipixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (silicon photomultipliers); to be published in NIM A (08) Graph from (*):
5 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Visible Light Sensor Line-Up (2008)
6 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Performance Evolution Improved n+ p junction Optimized doping concentrations Optimized n+ layer thickness Improved trench geometry Improved quenching resistor impl. L(Y)SO 2005: V b = ~100V; V ov = V bias – V b up to 4V (i.e. 4% of V b ) 2007: V b = ~ 17V; V ov = up to 8V (i.e. 45% of V b ) 2009: V b = ~ 28V; V ov = >10V Gain ~ 1.4 x 10 6 (*) 2005: SSPM_040901GV_TO18; 2007: SSPM_0701BG_TO18 Reference (*): Y11
7 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Quenching Resistor Affects: Cell Recovery Time & After pulsing Can tune micro-cell quenching resistor value betwee 0.7M and 100M Fast recovery ~70ns Slower recovery ~10µsec Modest afterpulsing: Low afterpulsing <10% in 100ns gate ~1-3% in 100ns gate Note: Micro-cell capacitance ~100fF
8 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Temperature Stability of Signal Amplitude (I) Amplitude Signal = N Photons x PDE(T) x Gain(T) (*): SSPM_050701GR (*) T = - 28C o | T = + 22C o Wide V op range results in reduced slope in the PDE vs. Bias and Gain vs. Bias curves.
9 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Temperature Stability of Signal Amplitude (II) Amplitude – Temperature correlation is < 1% / C o for bulk of operating range. ( 2009 < 0.5 % / C o ) A wide V op range over V b reduces temperature dependence of signal amplitude (*) SSPM_0701BG (*)
10 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Stability Accelerated Aging Test Measurement from (*) (*) O. Mineev et al. – Scintillator counters with multi-pixel avalanche photodiode readout for the ND280 detector of the T2K experiment; NIM A 577 (07) 30 days at 80C o Uncertainty of data points: ±2 p.e. 260 days at 18 ~ 27C o Long-term stability test shows no performance degradation over time
11 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Reliability From sales between 2004 and 2008: Failure rate of sold SSPMs is < 0.05% Causes for failure: Mechanical: signal pins damaged Abuse – wrong bias (circuit)
12 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb p + p n + (UV/Blue): Evolution Significantly improved implementation of this structure Still fighting against dark counts: 3 ~ 5 MHz / mm 2 Working on wavelength shifter enhanced devices for deep UV applications (*) 2005: SSPM_050901B2007: SSPM_0611B1MM (*)
13 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Outlook SSPM support electronics: Amplifiers / Power supplies / Threshold discriminators / Coincidence logic Modular design Available turn-key or under license SSPMs - Core sensor developments: Improved sensor packages n+ p p+ (Visible) →Higher cell density with peak PDE 40% →Higher gain →Noise / Dark-count rate reduction Target ~100kHz / mm 22C o p+ p n+ (UV / Blue) PDE Target ~40% at L(Y)SO peak Sensitivity down to 150nm Reduce dark count rate
14 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Thank you for your attention Photonique SA ch du Grand-Puits Meyrin Switzerland Web: Phone: Fax: Skype:photonique_sa
15 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb. 2009
16 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Geometric or Fill Factor Architecture exhibits sensitivity in all areas not occupied by trench 2006: Micro cell size: 43µm; Fill Factor ~60% 2008: Micro cell size: 33µm; Fill Factor >60% Trench width 4µm Picture from (*): (*) Peter Križan, University of Ljublijana & J. Stefan Institute – Presentation at LIGHT07 – Ringberg Castle - Germany Step size in X/Y: 1µm Beam spot at SSPM surface: 1 σ ≈ 5µm Low intensity laser beam <<1 photon per DAQ cycle TDC 10ns gate Select if exactly 1 micro-cell fired SSPM
17 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Sensitivity Enhancement for Blue/UV Light Wavelength shifter applied to sensor surface boosts blue sensitivity. Technique can be tuned to respective target spectral range L(Y)SO Work ongoing for: Deep UV spectral range / Selective spectral sensitivity Fast wavelength shifters (*) (*) Standard: SSPM_0701BG Enhanced available on ASS_0604BE 4-element linear array
18 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb UV-Blue Sensitive Architecture Reverse doping structure Favours electron propagation towards p + p junction First implemented in 2005
19 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Applications - PET (I) LYSO: 2 x 2 x 10 mm Source: 22 Na 511keV 1mm 2 visible light SSPM (1) 9mm 2 SSPM with W.L.S. (2) dE/E (FWHM) 18 % 13.5 % Timing resolution (FWHM) 1.0 ns 1.3 ns (*) Y. Musienko et al. – Study of multi-pixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes as a read-out for PET; NIM A 571 (07) (1): SSPM_0701BG (2): SSPM_0604BE Measurements from (*):
20 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Applications: Radiation Detectors Scintillation Tiles with MRS-APD readout (START) (*) (*) All pictures & graphs from: K. Voloshin et al.: Scintillation counter with MRS APD light readout; NIM A 539 (2005) Cost effective & scalable technique Working on calorimetric solutions
21 CPTA Center for Prospective Technologies & Aparatus ©2009 – Photonique SA (DMC) APD-Pixel Photo-Diodes for Frontier Detector Systems - GSI Darmstadt - Feb Applications - PET (II) LYSO 3 x 3 x 10mm dE/E (FWHM) 19 % 15 % Timing resolution (FWHM) < 1.0 ns 2.5 ns 2 x 2 element core matrix (3.3mm sensor pitch) of 4.4mm 2 visible light SSPMs with W.L.S.no W.L.S. Crystal: 4 x 4 x 20mm LYSO Source: Cs137 (662keV) Fibre: Kurray Y11 SSPMCoupling dE/E (FWHM) 1x1mmfibre single16.7% 1x1mmfibre-double14.1% (*) Photo & Measurement taken from talk: Y. Musienko: EuroMedim Marseille From (*)