1 Outline: Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (R. Arnaldi/E. Scomparin) Other ongoing activities: MUON correction framework (X. Lopez) MUON productions in PDC09 (N. Bastid) presentations can be found at: N. Bastid (LPC Clermont-Fd) ALICE Offline Week, CERN, March 17 th, 2009 PWG3 Analysis Code Status for the Forward Muon Spectrometer
2 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (I) R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin Dimuon PWG3 Evo Meeting, February 16 th 2009
3 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (II) R. Arnaldi, E. Scomparin Dimuon PWG3 Evo Meeting, February 16 th 2009
4 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (III)
5 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (IV) note: technical compatibility problems due to the Muon/Dimuon AOD production together w/ the other analysis tasks are solved selection of muon events based on AOD tag files: AliAODTagCuts::SetNFWMUONRange()
6 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (V)
7 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (VI)
8 Update on muon/dimuon AOD production (VII)
9 Status of the MUON correction framework (I) X. Lopez
10 Status of the MUON correction framework (II) in progress: analysis task for single muons (AliCFMuonSingle.cxx (.C)) fit functions to extract resonances to-do: CF for dimuon continuum (to be moved in PWG3/muon) X. Lopez
11 MUON productions within PDC09 concerning 10 TeV (I) proposal: minimum bias production several productions with dimuon generation: different conditions for alignment (ideal / residual mis-alignment / full mis-alignment) & secret dead maps / cross-sections / polarization motivations: main goal is still to test: the whole analysis framework including the production & analysis of muon/dimuon AOD the HLT (not present in previous productions) min. bias production: measurement of charm & bottom x-section in a wide p t range (up to about 10 GeV/c) & including the low p t range ( ← & K needs to be subtracted) dimuon productions: J/ yield & efficiency measurement charm & bottom x-section measurement in the US dimuon channel
12 MUON productions within PDC09 simulation framework (II) full simulation: generation reconstruction production of ESDs cocktail (AliGenMUONCocktailpp class): charmonia & bottomonia according to parameterizations open heavy flavours from fast generator (AliGenCorrHF class) min. bias PYTHIA event (kPyMb, heavy flavour production switched off) detector configuration: MUON + ITS (SPD) + VZERO + FMD HLT included both in simulation & reconstruction standalone MUON trigger LuT: all p t & low p t geometry: ideal / residual mis-alignment / full mis-alignment secret x-sections for HF & quarkonia and secret dead maps for tracking & trigger & polarization generation for dimuon productions (at least 2 in spectro. w/ p t > 0.5 GeV/c)
13 MUON productions within PDC09 for 10 TeV: status (III) fast generator of heavy quark pairs not yet available: should be ready by end of April (S. LPC in April) resonances: parameterization available for J/ (see S. Grigoryan Oct. PWG3-MUON-EVO) & needs to be done for other quarkonia, x-sections have been calculated strategy: wait until end of April in order to have parameterizations for both open heavy flavours and quarkonia or use PYTHIA (charm x-section underestimated, bottom x-section overestimated) and ready to ask for dimuon productions one will need to commit a new version for AliGenMUONCocktailpp, AliGenCorrHF & AliGenMUONlib classes a new aliroot version is needed for the final productions on the GRID
14 MUON productions within PDC09 requirements for dimuon prod. (IV) cocktail: PYTHIA (kPyMbMSEL1) + quarkonia 10 TeV for J/ ) generation: at least 2 with pt > 0.5 GeV/c (in spectro. acceptance) events ( Pythia events) 8236 + - J/ ’’ ’’ ( b) (res.) 10 = (QQ) 10 x (res.) 14 / (QQ) 14 requirements (for each dimuon production): statistics: dimuon events (~ J/ , i.e. 1 month at L = cm -2 s -1 ), 40 runs (1 run = sub-runs & 1 sub-run = 50 events) CPU-time: ~ days (~ 1 week w/ the GRID) storage: ~0.5 TB (archive of files needed for analysis) cross-sections
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16 MUON productions in PDC09
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