The Kennedy Administration The Kennedy Administration
The Kennedy Administration The “New Frontier” 1,000 Days A torch has been passed to a new generation… A call to government service Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. The “New Frontier” 1,000 Days A torch has been passed to a new generation… A call to government service Ask not, what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
Domestic Issues Recession. Increase minimum wage [$1 to $1.25] Federal tax cut. 2.Unemployment. 3.Steel Crisis (1962). 4.Space Program. April, 1961 Yuri Gagarin May, 1961 Alan B. Shephard, Jr. 1962 John Glenn Recession. Increase minimum wage [$1 to $1.25] Federal tax cut. 2.Unemployment. 3.Steel Crisis (1962). 4.Space Program. April, 1961 Yuri Gagarin May, 1961 Alan B. Shephard, Jr. 1962 John Glenn
Domestic Issues 5.Civil Rights. 24 th Amendment prohibited poll taxes. 1960 “Sit-Ins” in Greensboro, NC Woolworths. 1961 “Freedom Riders.” 1962 James Meredith’s desegregation of the University of Mississippi. Spring, 1963 Birmingham, AL oPolice Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor August, 1953 “March on Washington” oMLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech. 5.Civil Rights. 24 th Amendment prohibited poll taxes. 1960 “Sit-Ins” in Greensboro, NC Woolworths. 1961 “Freedom Riders.” 1962 James Meredith’s desegregation of the University of Mississippi. Spring, 1963 Birmingham, AL oPolice Commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor August, 1953 “March on Washington” oMLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech.
Foreign Policy Issues 1.“Flexible Response” conventional forces plus nuclear weapons. 2.Peace Corps 3.Aid Programs Alliance for Progress 4.Bay of Pigs Disaster (1961) 5.Berlin Crisis (1961) Berlin Wall built 6.Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) “The Missiles of October.” 7.Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963) 1.“Flexible Response” conventional forces plus nuclear weapons. 2.Peace Corps 3.Aid Programs Alliance for Progress 4.Bay of Pigs Disaster (1961) 5.Berlin Crisis (1961) Berlin Wall built 6.Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) “The Missiles of October.” 7.Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963)
Foreign Policy Issues 8.Vietnam Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Increase of American military “advisors.” 9.S. E. A. T. O. (South East Asia Treaty Organization) 8.Vietnam Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Increase of American military “advisors.” 9.S. E. A. T. O. (South East Asia Treaty Organization)
Foreign Policy Issues 8.Vietnam Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Increase of American military “advisors.” 9.S. E. A. T. O. (South East Asia Treaty Organization) 8.Vietnam Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. Increase of American military “advisors.” 9.S. E. A. T. O. (South East Asia Treaty Organization)