International Developments Since Awareness Raising Workshop Rob Visser UNITAR Senior Advisor Nano African Regional Meeting April 2011, Nairobi.


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Presentation transcript:

International Developments Since Awareness Raising Workshop Rob Visser UNITAR Senior Advisor Nano African Regional Meeting April 2011, Nairobi

Mandates for the Series of Workshops ICCM-2 (May, 2009) Resolution II/4 of ICCM-2 Endorsement of Nanotechnology/Manufactured Nanomaterials as an “Emerging Issue” for the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) “[ICCM-2]…encourages Governments and other stakeholders to assist developing countries and countries with economies in transition to enhance their capacity to use and manage nanotechnologies and manufactured nanomaterials responsibly, to maximize potential benefits and to minimize potential risks” 2

Mandates for the Series of Workshops (cont’d) OECD Joint Meeting (June, 2009) Resolution II/4 of ICCM-2 The June 2009 Joint Meeting of the OECD instructed UNITAR, in cooperation with the OECD Secretariat, to undertake awareness raising and other related activities in developing countries regarding the potential risks (e.g. to the environment or human health) and benefits (e.g. decreased costs of low-maintenance products, or use in environmental remediation) of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. 3

Workshop Schedule Asia-Pacific Region (Beijing, China) on 27 November 2009; Central and Eastern European Region (Lodz, Poland) on 11 December 2009; Africa Region (Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire) from January 2010; and Latin America-Caribbean Region (Kingston, Jamaica) on 12 March, An additional, sub-regional meeting was also held for Arab Region countries from April, 2010 in Alexandria, Egypt. 4

Workshop Participation Over 250 individuals attended from: some 108 countries that were represented from within the regions; 19 observer countries; 41 non-governmental organizations and 9 international organizations This included: 32 individuals from 23 countries for the Asia-Pacific Workshop; 19 individuals from 15 countries for the CEE Workshop; 41 individuals from 34 countries for the Africa Workshop; 29 individuals from 21 countries for the Latin America-Caribbean Workshop 24 individuals from 15 countries for the Arab Workshop 5

Original Workshop Objectives  To inform national experts on nano within governments and other key representatives of governments and stakeholders in the UN regions with developing and transition countries about potential applications for (benefits) and risks from nano  To apply the information gained, above, on a technical level, to enable political decision-making feeding into ICCM-3  Focus: general chemicals management professionals that have to address nano issues as part of their work 6

Workshop Agendas In general, workshop agendas covered the following topics:  Introduction, review of mandates, expectations of participants;  Overview of nano applications  Overview of environment and human health issues related to manufactured nanomaterials  Potential risks from manufactured nanomaterials throughout their life cycle  Workplace issues  Overview of international activities related to nano (through OECD and other institutions) 7

Workshop Agendas (cont’d)  Go-round on national activities in the region  Review of a draft table of contents of a “Nano” chapter in a National Chemicals Management Profile  Overview of Nano Pilot Projects (Swiss-sponsored through UNITAR/OECD)  NGO, Industry, and Labour perspectives  Discussions related to ICCM-3  Conclusions and next steps 8

The Workshops 9

Outcomes of the Workshops  Increased understanding of the participants of the implications of nano for their daily work as general chemicals management specialists in their countries;  Inputs received from participants on their anticipated country needs in order to be able to address nano as part of a sustainable general programme for the sound management of chemicals at the national level;  Understanding of the requirements of ICCM-3 for reporting on nano- related activities to protect human health and the environment in countries and among stakeholders; and,  Understanding of the outcomes of ICCM-2 as a first step towards deliberations for “furthering the nano agenda” at ICCM-3 10

Observations  Resolutions developed at Africa and Latin America/Caribbean workshop;  Unanimous recommendations (from each workshop) for another round of workshops pre-OEWG/ICCM-3 with focus on preliminary outcomes of pilots and ICCM-3 preparations;  “Excellent” overall ratings from workshop participants in workshop evaluation forms; usually near-unanimity 11

Next steps  The development of guidance and training materials/methodologies for national pilot projects on incorporating nano as part of a sustainable general programme for the sound management of chemicals (initial results of the pilots will be presented by participating countries at ICCM-3);  The undertaking of a planned second round of nano workshops for UN developing and transition country regions in advance of ICCM-3  The development of networks of chemicals management experts interested in and/or assigned to address nano issues in developed, transition and developing countries; 12

Next steps (cont’d)  The development of inputs (e.g. resolutions, INF documents, formal reporting and further identifications of country needs) for a meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG), to be held in Belgrade, Serbia, in August, 2011, and ICCM-3 in Geneva (May or June 2012);  Beyond ICCM-3, the further development of capacities and capabilities in countries and at the national, regional and international levels to address nano issues. 13

OECD Database on EHS research Guidance on exposure mitigation: laboratories and workplace Sponsorship programmes continue Guidance on dosing in toxicity test 14

Thank you! 15