out of 10 doctors Recommend sugar; Cuz they want to Buy a new boat! Lazy, Crazy,, Stinky, Crusty, Snotty, Q, & Vyacheslav … The other 7 Dwarves. No one talks about them! Gene Therapy found To be helpful for Depressed DNA Molecules. How To… Ch.1 Knitting a sweater Out of tigers. Ch.2 Burying people who Read Ch.1 Just wait until fish Start to go “People-ing”
What the main reasons for the occupation of Japan, post-WWII?
The US wanted to be sure Japan would never be a militaristic power again.
What was Mao Zedong’s program to renew the spirit of the Chinese Revolution?
The Cultural Revolution
How are North and South Korea different?
North-Communist South-Democratic
Who controlled the northern part of Korea after WWII?
The Soviet Union
What characteristic of imperialist nations was shared by Japan before and during WWII?
They thought their culture was superior to the countries which they subjugated.
What political ideology was common to the independence of Indochina?
What is the smallest work sector in Japan?
What was a main reason that Japan went to war against the US?
The US cut off Japan’s supply of oil.
Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?
They hoped to incapacitate the US naval fleet and force the US to negotiate a peace treaty. That didn’t work out so good for them…did it?
What is Bushido?
The Japanese warrior code…fight to the last man. Never surrender.
Who were the Kamikaze?
Pilots who were committed to crashing their planes into US ships on suicide missions.
Why were atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima (8/6/45) and Nagasaki (8/9/45)?
The US thought that this show of new technology/force would speed up the end of WWII. Those cities were chosen because the were port cities and industrial centers.
-Which political party established The People’s Republic of China on 10/1/1949? -What was China’s Great Leap Forward designed to do?
-The Chinese Communist Party -Speed up economic development.
-Which leader proclaimed the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam? -Which “democratic” leader lead the corrupt South Vietnamese?
-Ho Chi Minh -Ngo Dinh Diem
What is Tibet in relation to China?
Tibet is part of China
What happened to the part of China that fought with the US in WWII?
They became the Nationalist controlled government of Taiwan
-During the Korean War, the US was involved on behalf of______ -What countries were helping N. Korea? -Why did Truman fire MacArthur?
-The United Nations -China and the Soviet Union -MacArthur was arrogant and disrespectful…and overly aggressive toward China.
-What was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident? -Who were the Viet Cong? -What was the turning point of the Vietnam War leading to the US leaving?
-A later refuted report that a US ship had been attacked by N. Vietnamese gunboats. It led to direct US involvement in Viet Nam. -S. Vietnamese Rebels fighting for the North -The Tet Offensive
-Where is Korea divided? -How about Viet Nam? -Which US president sent the most troops to Viet Nam?
38 th Parallel 17 th Parallel Lyndon B. Johnson
What was The Cold War?
A stand-off between the US and the Soviet Union leading to the build-up of arms on both sides.
-Who was Mohandas Ghandi? -What was the Indian National Congress. -Why were India and Pakistan separated?
- He was the unofficial leader of the Indian Independence Movement. He led by modeling non- violence. -The movement to gain India’s independence from Britain. -Religion…Hindu v Muslim
Why did East Pakistan become the country of Bangladesh?
Distance and resistance to Pakistani authority.
What is unusual about the Korean War?
It never actually ended.
What was unique about the Vietnam war?
It was the first war that was televised and it divided the country (ours).
Who was Nehru?
The first prime minister of India and a disciple of Ghandi.