April 2010 This Month: Every day, The Salvation Army helps homeless people such as Vince beat the streets Ambrose Payne had no connection with God until friends brought him to the doors of a Salvation Army church And more... January 2016
April 2010 June 2015October 2015November 2015 Music Man With his mix of secular and religious songs, Salvationist Charlie Green is taking the music world by storm January 2016
April 2010 The Church Behind the Thrift Store Quebec pastor explains what The Salvation Army is all about January 2016
April 2010 This Month: What does it mean to love those who persecute you? ask Colonel Bob Ward and Major Amy Reardon It’s time to mobilize around our seven strategic priorities, says Commissioner Susan McMillan Major Kathie Chiu finds the courage to be vulnerable And more... January 2016
April 2010 Boundless in Bermuda Divisional congress welcomes international leaders and inspires Salvationists January 2016
April 2010 Through the Storm Ken Debney lost his son to suicide, but the story isn’t over October 2015January 2016
April 2010 October 2015 Relief and Recovery Although Ebola is not in the headlines anymore, the need is still great January 2016
April 2010 Pick Up Your Copy Today
April 2010 Visit the temple in Jerusalem with Jesus Cross the Red Sea with Moses Find out how God is like a shepherd Complete the monthly Just Do It! challenge Plus stories, puzzles, colouring, jokes and more! Just for Kids January 2016 This Month: