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Jeopardy Greek Geography The City- State Greek Mythology Heroes and Homer Greek Literature Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Greek Geography What geographical feature impeded Greek unity?
$100 Answer from Greek Geography What are mountains?
$200 Question from Greek Geography The country of Greece is this type of geographical formation.
$200 Answer from Greek Geography A peninsula.
$300 Question from Greek Geography Which regions of the world did Alexander the Great conquer after Greece?
$300 Answer from Greek Geography What are the Persian Empire, Egypt, and the Indus Valley
$400 Question from Greek Geography Name the two of the first cultures important in Greece’s history that fell due to natural disasters. Hint: They both start with “M.”
$400 Answer from Greek Geography The two cultures were the Minoans and the Mycenaeans.
$500 Question from Greek Geography How is the way the Greeks found food to survive different with that of the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, or Indians?
$500 Answer from Greek Geography The Greeks survived by trading and taking to the oceans in search of fish and other ocean life. The other cultures relied primarily on farming.
$100 Question from The City- State 1.It was composed of a central town or city, and the countryside surrounding it 2.It was a communal environment of individual, some citizens, some were not 3.It could vary in size from a few hundred square miles to hundreds of square miles
$100 Answer from The City- State What are the characteristics of the Greek city-state, or polis.
$200 Question from The City- State The main reason that city-state of Athens declined from it’s Golden Age which marked the end of democracy
$200 Answer from The City- State What is military defeat from the Peloponnesian War with Sparta?
$300 Question from The City- State This city-state practiced an oligarchy form of government
$300 Answer from The City- State What is Sparta?
$400 Question from The City- State This city-state’s government changed from an aristocracy to a democracy after the victory against the Persians
$400 Answer from The City- State What is Athens?
$500 Question from The City- State We understand that Greeks loved their city-state. How do we know this?
$500 Answer from The City- State 1.They took it upon themselves to participate in government. 2.They competed for their city-state in the Olympics. 3.They took great pride in their city-state and identified themselves as Spartan, Corinthian, etc.
$100 Question from Greek Misc. Greek Philosopher such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle focused on this to explain the world
$100 Answer from Greek Misc. What are observation and experimentation?
$200 Question from Greek Misc. This Greek wrote a book called ‘The Elements’ which was the basis for modern geometry
$200 Answer from Greek Misc. Who is Euclid?
$300 Question from Greek Misc. Which major reform did Cleisthenese make on Athenian democracy?
$300 Answer from Greek Misc. He severely limited which members of society where considered citizens (only rich, landowning, Greek men were true citzens)
$400 Question from Greek Misc. This Athenian carried out reforms in the Greek democracy by increasing payroll for government officials
$400 Answer from Greek Misc. This Persian Emperor was the successor of Darius and lost to the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon
$500 Question from Greek Misc. Who is Xerxes?
$500 Answer from Greek Misc. Demeter’s sadness is said to have caused the change in seasons in ancient Greece.
$100 Question from Alexander the Great 1.Cultural diffusion 2.A combination of Greek and middle eastern cultures 3.A result of Alexander’s expansive empire
$100 Answer from Alexander the Great What are the characteristics of Hellenism?
$200 Question from Alexander the Great What is Alexander’s MOST lasting achievement?
$200 Answer from Alexander the Great What is the spread of Greek culture?
$300 Question from Alexander the Great Why is it important that Alexander was a student of Aristotle?
$300 Answer from Alexander the Great What is Aristotle taught Alexander ALL that was know in the Greek world then
$400 Question from Alexander the Great Major city created the Greek empire, center for learning and commerce, and named after it’s founder
$400 Answer from Heroes and Homer What is Alexandria, Egypt?
$500 Question from Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was so successful in battle due to this military formation which originated in Greece
$500 Answer from Alexander the Great What is the phalanx?
$100 Question from Byzantines “The new Rome”
$100 Answer from Byzantines What is Byzantine Empire?
$200 Question from Byzantines Body of civil law created for the Byzantine Empire
$200 Answer from Byzantines What is the Justinian Code?
$300 Question from Byzantines Byzantine Emperor who updated the ancient Roman Law and created his own
$300 Answer from Byzantines Who is Emperor Justinian?
$400 Question from Byzantines Emperor who legalized Christianity, moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, and took over the “eastern” half of the Roman Empire
$400 Answer from Byzantines Who is Constantine?
$500 Question from Byzantines She was a powerful force in the Byzantine Empire and served as an advisor for Justinian
$500 Answer from Byzantines Who was Empress Theodora?
Final Jeopardy Ancient Greece has had a huge effect on our culture. Name two ways ancient Greece lives on today.
Final Jeopardy Answer -Language (titanic and odyssey) -Geographical location names (Europe and the Atlas mountains). -Movies. -Sporting events.