What Should History Say About the Aztecs?
Which “bucket” would you put this document in and why? ► Aztecs had a god. ► It seems from the document that the god had power that should have been respected even at the expense of others.
What should a historian emphasize about Aztec political life, according to this document?
► Connection to religion-the power to rule is sacred. ► Power is seen as conquest. ► There was an idea of a unified Aztec nation. ► Human rights did not seem to be a priority.
According to Document 2, what did the Aztecs base their legitimacy, their right to rule over others on? A god told them that when they found a cactus with a nesting eagle, there they should make their home.
Discussion Questions for Document 3 ► Do people in a civilization have a right to know both good and bad information about their homeland? ► Are there any circumstances in which lying or bending the truth might be acceptable in political practice?
Paraphrase the what the poem says… ► The lords of Mexico told Itzcoatl to burn early accounts of Aztec history because it was not fitting that the people should know about them. If people knew about these pictures, they would be lost.
► If this document destruction is true (in modern times, book burning, shredding), what does it say about the character of Aztec society? ► How much damage does this do to the students’ opinion of the Aztecs? ► Is it a significant stain on Aztec history? ► Should it be remembered?