Using Problem Based Learning to Enhance Learning Through a STEM Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

Using Problem Based Learning to Enhance Learning Through a STEM Initiative

Program Goal Increase academic achievement by: Increasing CTE instructor mathematics and science content expertise Helping Math and Science Faculty connect learning for students.

How we do it 10 day summer institute Post secondary science, math and engineering mentors School year teacher follow up Completion of action research Continued professional development Teacher Leaders

The Result Teachers go from “boring” to “non boring” instruction by engaging students in problem based instruction. We increase academic achievement of students

Today Talk about Problem Based Learning Participate in a brief problem based learning experience Find out about resources

Why and How Activity What are the benefits of implementing problem based learning? What are the obstacles to implementing PBL and how can you overcome them? What staff development would be needed and how will you find it? How can you assure support from faculty, administration, parents and students?

Why use problem based learning? Create knowledge workers. Engineers, Scientist, Mathematicians and others.

What is problem based learning? Instructional approach with two objectives 1.Acquisition of knowledge and skills 2.High quality use to solve problems

Problem Structure They are messy They require investigation They change as more is learned They defy a simple formula solution They demand re-evaluation

Teacher Role Non- directed learning The teacher creates the environment The teacher is a coach or mentor The teacher probes, questions and challenges


Halloween is on it’s way and Chocolate is the treat of the day. Walgreen’s has chocolate galore, but how, oh how, to get it to the store?

To have the chocolate arrive just fine, Not a melty mess would really be what we had in mind!

In late July and early August it is the policy of Walgreens to ship all Halloween candy to its approximately 5,000 stores nationwide. They have fielded numerous complaints about melted chocolate and discoloration of chocolate. The task is to deliver a quality non- melted product.

The Walgreens Letter

Small Group Activity 1 What information and/or resources would you need to solve this problem? What do you know or don’t know about chocolate or shipping that you would need to know Record your answers and chose a reporter to report out for your group.

Assumptions: See Handout

Small Group Activity 2 Now that you have more information what recommendation would your group make to solve the problem?

Small Group Activity 3 What math, science, social studies, language arts or career cluster could be emphasized in this module.

Resources Materials on Problem Based Learning are available at Dr. Frances Beauman 217/ ext.244