Asst. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürgin IEU History of the EU Introduction
Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürgin Izmir University of Economics Self-Presentation Name, Origin, Hobby Why do you study EU and International Relations? What do know about the EU? What do you expect of this course?
Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürgin Izmir University of Economics Overview of the Course Goal: to understand the key events and determinants of the European integration process Central questions: Why did the national governments give up power in some areas? Which actors drive the integration process? What are the preferences and positions of the governments? Structure: Basic Reading: Quizzes, Questions, Discussions Illustration: historical documents, speeches, cartoons from the “European navigator” webpage
Ass. Prof. Dr. Alexander Bürgin Izmir University of Economics Some recommended e-sources tm tm / /