National e-Science Institute and National e-Science Centre The Way Ahead Prof. Malcolm Atkinson Director 30 th September 2003
Converge to ONE Community e-Science HPC e-Science & HPC
NeSI Programme of Events Quantity 50 to 80 Training UK e-Science EGEE Mix More Research Orientation More Disciplines Serving UK e-Science Direction from the Community Participant, RC, PI & director consultation
NeSI Visitor Programme Quantity 10 to 15 Activity Research & Collaboration Mix Enthusiasts UK-wide Impact Serving UK e-Science Direction from the Community Participant, RC, PI & director consultation
Working effectively by gaining more helping hands Assembling more of the Software stack Service to e-Scientists – playing our part in the UK Some things we do Engineering Operations User & Developer Support Information Repository Community Training Platform Management OGSA Middleware Data Foundations Safe Mobile Code Hierarchical Scheduling Distributed Data Management Scientific Data Curation High-Level Applications Collaborative Annotation Spatio-Temporal Data Dissemination of UK e-Science International Collaboration
Dissemination of UK e-Science International Collaboration High-Level Applications Collaborative Annotation Spatio-Temporal Data Safe Mobile Code Hierarchical Scheduling Distributed Data Management Scientific Data Curation Experimental innovation, extensive collaborations engaging CS researchers, developers and digital data curation experts Wide adoption of a small number of Standards essential large-scale & long-term trials steering development Integration with other services: computing services, UKERNA, digital libraries, Discipline Centres, National Centres, European Grids, Global Grids Present a coherent Image of UK e-Science, e.g. indexed bibliography The way ahead is integration Engineering Operations User & Developer Support Information Repository Community Training Platform Management OGSA Middleware Data Foundations Collaborative development, product engineering, re-engineering Industrial and International collaboration
Present a coherent Image of UK e-Science, e.g. indexed bibliography Experimental innovation, extensive collaborations engaging CS researchers, developers and digital data curation experts Wide adoption of a small number of Standards essential large-scale & long-term trials steering development Collaborative development, product engineering, re-engineering Industrial and International collaboration Integration with other services: computing services, UKERNA, digital libraries, Discipline Centres, National Centres, European Grids, Global Grids Diversify funding sources to increase stability, e.g. international and commercial projects and contracts Integrate closely with universities’ research and education to gain SHEFC foundation funding and a supply of skilled staff Capitalise further on the professionalism and skills of the existing team, improving coordination and tooling where possible Convince funders that sustaining investment in e-Science is essential Expand the team through growing alliances, e.g. Globus Alliance, through additional funding streams, e.g. EGEE, NextGrid, OMII, NDCC, … Sustaining our efforts