Strategi Ekuitas Merek yang Berkelanjutan dan Brand Extention Pertemuan 13 Mata kuliah: J Produk dan Merk Tahun: 2010
Outline Arsitektur Merek Hirarki Merek Merancang Strategi Merek Advantage vs Disadvantage Brand Extension Evaluasi terhadap Brand Extension
Brand Architecture The branding strategy, or brand architecture, for a firms tells marketers which brand names, logos, symbol and so forth to apply to which new and exizting products. The role of defining branding strategies and brand architecture is: Clarify – brand awareness Motivate – brand image
Brand Product Matrix 12….N ABMABM Brands Products
The row of matrix represent brand – product relationship and capture the brand extension strategy of the firm A brand line consist of all products – original as well as line and category extension – sold under particular brand The columns of the matrix represent product-brand relationship and capture the brand portfolio strategy The brand portfolio is the set all of brands and brand lines that are particular column of the matrix
Bredth of Product Mix Aggregate market factors Category factors Environmental factors
Depth of Branding Strategy Is the number and nuture of different brands marketed in the product class sold by a firm. Some of the reasons for introducing multiple brands a category include the following: To increase shelf presence and retailer dependence in the store To attract consumers seeking variety To increase internal competition within the firm To yield economics of scale in advertising, sales, merchandising, and physical distribution
Brand Hierarchy A brand hierarchy is a useful means of graphycal portraying a firm’s branding strategy by displaying the number and nuture of common and distinctive brand elements across the firms’s products revealing the explicit ordering of brand elements
Level of Brand Hierarchy (From Top to Bottom) – might be: Corporate or company brand (General Motor) Family brand (Bulck) Individual brand (Park Evenue) Modifier (designiting item or model) (Ultra)
Corporate brand or company brand is the high level of the hierarchy technically always consist of one brand Family brand is used in more than one product category but is not necessarily the name of company or corporation Individual brand is a restricted to essentially one product category, althougt it maybe used for several different product types within the category
New Products and Brand Extension Curent Product Market Penetration Strategy Product Develpment Strategy Market Development Strategy Diversification Strategy New Products Curent Market New Market
A brand extension occurs when a firms uses an established brand name to introduced a new product When a new brand is combined with an existing brand the brand extension can also be a sub brand. An existing brand that gives birth to a brand extension is the parent brand
Brand extension fall into two general categories: Line Extension Marketers apply the parent brand to a new product that targets a new market segment within a product category the parent brand currently serves Category Extension Marketers apply the parent brand to enter a different product category from the one it currently serves
Advantage of Extension Improve brand image Rediced risk perceived by customer Increase the probability of gaining distribution and trial Increase efficiency of promotional expenditures Reduced cost of introductory and follow up marketing program Avoid cost of developing a new product Allow the packaging and labeling efficient
Disadvantages Can confuse or frustrate consumers Can encounter retailer resistance Can fail and hurt parent brand image Can succeed but canibalize sales of parent brand Can succeed but diminish identification with any one category