Greatest Generation saved the world from fascism Dr Spock Generation with rebellion free love Generation X, slacking off and cynicism Millennials – the vaguely libertarian generation of technology tied to the success of silicon valley
Does each generation become more progressive than the last? Does each generation replace the last generation’s values?
Generational Replacement Old people are dying And being replaced by younger, more alienated Americans who care less about institutions That is, young people care less about the family, about clubs, about church, about bowling leagues
Are the generations really different… Or do historical effects change them? 9/11 Age
2000: 35% say this
2000: 36%
2000: 12% say this
2000: 44%
Living through great depression changed the economic beliefs and style of people who grew to maturity during that time Events are no doubt powerful Civil Rights era New deal
“The potential for change is concentrated in those who are young enough to get involved in change but not old enough tobe committed to a set life”
The Old don't teach the young, the young use their responses and action to change society and in a sense teach the old New Generations lack social commitment Society now seems to lack commitment But is that because of the new generation or is it simply because young people aren’t socially committed
You should know people simply get older The older they are, the more intensely they may hold onto their views
Everyone who experiences an event is changed
Recent ones more cynical than others However These generations differ by age Other generations grow their level of trust over their life
Yes people trust government less nowadays But that is true for people of all ages
Recent gens attend church less But others go up as they age Also, examine Roman Catholics They account for virtually all decline in church attendance
Baby boomers looked pretty independent But over time became allied with Republican Party
When one set of cohorts is large, it dominates the culture
Then generations cannot explain social change!
Their succession WILL produce social change
Unless and until they themselves vecome religious
Individuals are not consistent over their lives
Like aging or historical effects