What is Advertising?
Advertising To make something known to the public An advertisement may include an image, item, action, concept, or gimmick used to promote, market, or make us think favorably about a product.
Advertising Mediums Billboards and magazines TV commercials Movies and Radio Ads Brand names and logos on everything from clothing and personal accessories, racing cars, cocktail napkins, etc.
What is BADvertising?
BADvertising It is the Truth through Contradiction The act of “doctoring-up” misleading ads to create a more accurate picture.
BADvertising Cigarette advertisers will never tell the truth.. they can’t. The truth is deadly.
BADvertising Instead, they promise us pleasure, fun, status, and glamour, and their idyllic images are accepted as a given: they are urban wallpaper. We see them; we do not question them.
Advertising Seeing is believing," we are told, but advertisements are created and composed, they are not candid photographs of real life. Children are exposed to these false images from the cradle, but the process through which the ads come into being is not visible to the eye of a small child...or any of us!
BADvertising The "smooth" camel is apparently enjoying his smoke. He's real. He's cool. He's having fun. TV and movies are creating the illusion that smoking is an acceptable activity and everybody's doing it.
Why we need to BADvertise Children have no idea who's being paid or pressured to give them these ideas. Without some kind of rude awakening, they grow up to be oblivious, complacent, addicted adults.
BADvertising Is designed to startle viewers To shake up the consciousness before we can ask, “What’s really going on here?”
Information may influence what we think…… But it is imagery that kindles desire, and desire determines behavior.
Deceptive Advertising While many products and their advertisers are willfully misleading the public with deliberately deceptive advertising, no deception is currently more blatant than that of the tobacco industry
Deceptive Advertising Today tobacco billboards are illegal and the number of magazine ads have diminished. But Tobacco advertising has not gone away Their tactics are becoming much more subtle and devious….and more difficult for the unaware to recognize.
Subliminal Message They’ve even duped the Pope into advertising their cigarettes for them! He thinks they’ve asked to talk to him about racing cars, but in fact, they’re using his name and his highly esteemed position to sanctify their cigarettes.
BADvertising The forms may be more subtle today, but their intent remains the same.. To seduce more young people into a lifetime addiction to tobacco and thereby increase their profits.
BADvertise by creating your own honest ads…..
The purpose of BADvertising BADvertising is a special way of seeing; a way of thinking. Anyone can Badvertise, any time, by looking for the truth behind an ad
Examples of BADvertising
BADvertising By superimposing an honest image over a dishonest ad, the truth of the matter becomes very clear.
And nowhere are the consequences so deadly!
BADvertising can be accomplished by: Physically cutting and pasting the ads Manipulating the images on a computer screen, or Correcting the images in your own mind every time you see a deceptive or misleading ad
Resources The BADvertising Institute Debbie High School Bathroom