Multi-approach strategy for stakeholder engagement Sangeetha Rajeesh RU Manager, LANSA
What is LANSA? Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA)is an international research six-member partnership funded by DFID, UK Government, and M S Swaminathan Research Foundation is the lead partner. We are finding out how agriculture and agri-food systems can be better designed to advance nutrition.
What change does LANSA wish to see in South Asia? LANSA focuses on policies, interventions and strategies that can improve the nutritional status of children in South Asia – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. The Consortium aims to achieve Accelerated rates of reduction of under nutrition in the countries. Policies, programmes, initiatives are more evidence- informed and pro-nutrition Policy & practice communities incorporate new knowledge into discourse, attitudes, behaviours
LANSA’s approach for stakeholder engagement A multi-approach strategy to engage with stakeholders and key decision-makers in the nutrition policy process at South Asia region level; and at Country level (national /state / local governance levels) Examples include: -Face to face extensive interviews -Stakeholder consultation meetings -Online dialogues & public forums -E-newsletters & online campaigns -Leaflets (translated) -Website, social media channels, experimental films -Media interaction & study site visits -Sharing via other agri-nutrition networks
Strategy Clear, achievable objectives for each engagement idea Pre-determined and targeted set of stakeholders Planning & preparation, location & mode of engagement Assigning roles & responsibilities within the team Involving the researchers from the beginning Having a troubleshooting person available and ready Attentive monitoring & steering discussions Encourage participation and promote key stakeholders Summaries and feedback to participants
Challenges Getting high level stakeholder time commitments Internet connectivity / technical hiccups Moderating stakeholder participation so as not to dominate or change course of discussion Distractions beyond our control that alter stakeholder concentration or mood Language barriers & translation requirements Time zone issues Wanting to continue discussion after time has ended
Takeaways Stakeholders very appreciative for such opportunity High need to engage agri-nutrition stakeholders and decision-makers at different levels LANSA is looked upon as a facilitator to bridge gaps at various levels of stakeholders An attitude and behaviour shift witnessed – each begins to understand the other in a different light Community building for common cause to look at concrete and practical solutions
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