STATION 1: Shooting Hoops Play a quiet game of Pig- a shorten version of the basketball game HORSE No slam-dunking!!!!!!!!! After your game, answer the questions for station 1
STATION 2: Standing Long Jump Standing behind the masking tape line, make your best jump. Have teammate measure your distances in centimeters. Each group member should go twice; record the results of each attempt Mark each jump with a different color calk. After everyone has jumped answer the questions for station 2.
STATION 3: Sponge on String Sit on the floor Pick up the empty end of the string, with the sponge suspended below your hand, twirl it at a medium speed. (Do Not Twirl Over Your Head!) Watch closely, let go of the yarn. Repeat this procedure two more times, then answer the questions for station 3.
STATION 4: Balls Two people at a time will roll a ball on the counter. Use the tape as a guideline for where to start. The balls should be aimed so that they knock one another while they are rolling.
STATION 5: Magic Place an index card on top of a glass of beaker of water. Place a poker chip in the center of the cardboard. Quickly try to pull the cardboard out form under the coin. Let each group member try this two times and then answer the questions for station 5.
STATION 6: Pushing a Box Using one hand, push the lighter box and measure how far it went. Again, using one hand, push the heavy box to see how far it goes. Answer the questions
Bend your arm and place the back of your hand on top of your shoulder. Place one penny on your elbow. Try to catch the penny. Repeat up to 10 pennies. Make sure you place all the pennies back to the station. Answer the questions! STATION 7: Poker Chips
STATION 8: Hula Hoop Everyone grab a hula hoop. Start hulaing!!!!!!! Try to change directions. Repeat this a couple of times to see who can hula the longest. Answer the questions!
STATION 9: Egg Spin There are two eggs with one weighing more than the other. Spin the eggs simultaneously and with the same force to see which one spins for the longest time. Answer the questions!