POL 168 Politics Professor Jones Dept. of Political Science UC-Davis Winter 2008
Images: Tancredo L5QY&feature=relatedhttp:// L5QY&feature=related h1m04&NR=1http:// h1m04&NR=1 mTancredohttp:// mTancredo
Discussion Major Themes? Who is the intended audience? Would you call that “race-baiting”? A major issue among voters …especially Republican voters Leading issue in South Carolina South Carolina
Census Data… South Carolina race.htmlhttp:// race.html
Who are “Latinos”? What counts as “Latino”…as “Hispanic” The problem of “Spanish Origin” 22 Countries satisfy this condition Is it fair to say that anyone from one of these 22 countries is “just like” anyone from another of these 22 countries. How should we view “Latinos” A bloc? Monolithic interests? Pan-ethnicity vs. Groups
How do we know what we know?
Who are “Latinos”? Where are “Latinos” from? “Border Invasion” Implies the population is largely of Mexican descent. In fact, it is… However, substantial populations exist from Central and Latin American nations. Some Data
Current Estimates and Projections U.S. Population will be “majority-minority” by about Largest growth rate among minority populations are “Hispanic origin” Remember, we’re tied to Census definitions here. What will it mean to be a “minority” in the future? “Minority” status becoming more and more awkward in some local settings.
Population Estimates: US Census Bureau
More Clips for Thought Anti-McCain Attack Ad: Anti-McCain Attack Ad Part II: PY PY Ron Paul: iJKwskH4http:// iJKwskH4 Rudy Giuliani Attack Ad: Bi-Partisan Attack Ad:
Percent Distribution of Hispanics by Type: 2006 Source: Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2006
Hispanic Population by Type: 2006 Source: Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2006
Nativity by Type of Hispanic Origin: 2006 Source: Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2006
Percent Hispanic by Region : 2006 Source: Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplement 2006
Clips for Thought Humorous Clip (not meaning to pick on the President!) 9Pl6Ahttp:// 9Pl6A Manassas Controversy UZhV0&feature=relatedhttp:// UZhV0&feature=related
Some Data Let’s take a look at population change: anicpop.htmlhttp:// anicpop.html Occupation Characteristics (Pew Report) Another site (NDN; has a political agenda) rising.pdfhttp:// rising.pdf
Subgroups Mexican (by far, the dominant Latino group) 65.5 percent of Latino population. Geographically settled in California and Southwest but moving upward and eastward. Puerto Rican (8.6 percent) Geographically located primarily in east, particularly NYC/East Coast cities Central and South American Origin on the rise. Settling in the South.
“Factoids” about the Mexican Population 70 Percent of Californian Mexican Population are U.S. Citizens ?nclick_check=1http:// ?nclick_check=1 Implications? Mobilization? Some demographics of the group. The following is from “Immigration From Mexico: Assessing the Impact on the United States” by Steven A. Camarota Center for Immigration Studies:
Data from Center for Imm. Studies
Data from Center for Imm. Studies: Education
Data from Center for Imm. Studies: Labor
Data from Center for Imm. Studies: SES