Today: Diets and Calorie Restriction
In class activity: Of the diets that you researched: Which would be best for losing weight? Which would be best for maintaining a healthy weight?
Complex molecules are broken down and then used to build needed molecules and to produce energy
The Calorie Restriction Society for people trying to live longer by eating fewer calories
Calorie Restriction related websites:
Regulation of Drosophila Life Span by Olfaction and Food-Derived Odors S Libert, J Zwiener, X Chu, W VanVoorhies, G Roman, S Pletcher Science Vol. 315: February 2007
Calorie Restricted Flies Normal Diet Flies Reduced calories increase lifespan in flies Fig 1
Calorie Restricted Flies Normal Diet Flies Smelling food reduces life span in CR flies Fig 1
Flies with a poor sense of smell live longer Or83b is a gene involved in the fly’s sense of smell Fig 2A
Fig 4B Flies lacking the Or83b gene are resistant to starvation
Calorie Restricted Flies Normal Diet Flies Smelling food reduces life span in CR flies Fig 1
Ageing Research Reviews Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2005, Pages Why dietary restriction substantially increases longevity in animal models but won’t in humans
Reproduction reduces survival Fig 53.8
Ageing Research Reviews Volume 4, Issue 3, August 2005, Pages Why dietary restriction substantially increases longevity in animal models but won’t in humans decreased calories = decreased reproduction and humans do not put much energy into reproduction
JAMA, November 7, 2007—Vol 298, No. 17 pg Cause-Specific Excess Deaths Associated with Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity Flegal KM et al JAMA, November 7, 2007—Vol 298, No. 17 pg Overweight (BMI 25-30) people live longer than normal (BMI ), underweight (BMI 30) people
Next... Transporting materials within an organism