Aiming high Our presentation to Governors
Opening from Owain Chair of School Council
Welcome Hello and welcome to our investors in pupils PowerPoint presentation. In this slide show we will be explaining what Investors in Pupils means and how we as a school are going to achieve this award.
What does Investors in Pupils mean? The key word is Pupil voice –the importance of listening to what pupils have to say. Making sure they feel valued. Pupils and staff working together to improve our school Working as a team Have pride in our school and take responsibility to make Rhydypenau Primary the best school! To find out what the staff do in their school day Everything we already do.
Impact In our school Investors in Pupils has an impact on: Learning Behaviour Attendance Classroom Management Induction of new Pupils/Staff
Why? We are doing nearly all of the elements of investors in pupils (explained later). We might as well go for the award Get ideas from the minds of the children Build a strong team. Working together.
What will we see in each classroom? Mission statements Class targets Individual targets Pictures of pupils on classroom doors Pictures of staff on classroom doors Roles and responsibilities Handbooks to come! Now we are going to talk about each element and what it will look like in our school.
Mission statements/ Class Targets At the beginning of each week, every class decides a relevant target to try to fulfil. We believe that having a class target as well as an individual target can improve teamwork and other areas. The reward for completing the class target is a special treat from your class teacher and as a bonus there is a chance of being able to sit on the benches/chairs for a whole week.
Individual Targets At our school children make individual targets and then discuss them with our teachers. It is important we take a lead in our learning. We need to know the next steps in learning.
List of jobs that you might see in the school? Registers Reading books ICT monitors Exercise books Cloakroom Messages Water bottles Phones Books Jumpers School council Investors in pupils Peer supports Helpwr Heddiw Tidy police Listening king and queen –reception Children’s Roles & Responsibilities
Induction Booklets School council have decided that each class will have an induction booklet that all the pupils can contributed to. The booklets are designed to warmly welcome a new class member to the school. The school council are currently designing some of the pages. Watch this space!
What have we been doing? Cake sales Toy stalls Planning the shelter Designed the stage Regular meetings to discuss issues Suggestion box School council assemblies every half term.
What are we planning to do next? Shadowing members of staff to find out their roles in the school Interviewing members of staff. Hopefully Governors. See invitation. Budget for each class More school council assemblies. Design, make and hand out the handbooks
PowerPoint by: Owain Susie Tauheed Ben Grace Alana Sebastian
Owain to close the presentation