Partnerships – Ground Rules Who Chairs and who leads on what? The need for an expeditor/administrator Values and Aims Defined Purposes Review Dates Specific Purposes Success Criteria
Possible Purposes Staff Development School Improvement ICT Research Curriculum Back Office Teaching Guaranteed Experiences Some are easier than others….start with easy ones first
The Quest for Outstanding Teaching and Learning Questions Explanations and Story Telling Experiences Marking Group Work
Rules for Group Work All students must contribute -no one member say too much or too little Every contribution treated with respect -listen thoughtfully Group must achieve consensus - work at resolving differences Every suggestion/assertion has to be justified -arguments must include reasons
Teachers TALK about teaching Teachers OBSERVE each other teach Teachers plan organise (?teach?) and evaluate TOGETHER Teachers TEACH each other
PRIMARY / SECONDARY TRANSITION Induction Week Primary Graduation Certificate Best Piece of Work Most at Risk Pupils