Who Should I listen to ?
Course literature There is no official course textbook that you must buy. The internet is your textbook! Wikipedia ? – Anyone can type anything – Crowd controlled. – Rumor has it that errors are corrected within an hour
Course literature The teachers ? – Maybe, but we could be wrong. We are human after all. THE EXAMINATOR
Course literature Books ? – Books are like opinions, everybody has one. Peer Reviewed work – Maybe.. But there are opposite opinions, and competing theories about many things. Suggestion: How about you do your own research, find different sources and decide what to believe yourself ?
Course literature Of course, this was a teacher suggestion THE EXAMINATOR
Course literature For everyone of the lectures we will give you material in the form of web links, pdf articles etc. After that it is up to you! Sources: – library.chalmers.se (get a library card) – google scholar – Wikipedia (as a starting point) – Where do you get your information from ?
Citations – How do they work If you didn’t create it, cite it! (or it counts as plagiarism) Harvard style guide. Read the ‘How not to plagiarize document’ (link on the course page, bottom right ).
Citations – How do they work In text citations & Reference lists Must be formatted a certain way Sample:
Citations – How do they work A suggestion: Mendeley (citation and pdf management software – free) Formats references, organizes files..
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