Lessons 3-6: Campaigning for Energy Efficiency
Supporters of the Big Energy Efficiency Project
The Challenge Students will create a campaign to persuade people to be more energy efficient. The best school campaign team, if you so choose, are entered into The Challenge. The best Year 7 or S1 national campaign and the best Year 8/9 or S2/3 campaign wins: £1000 of science equipment vouchers for their school. £50 personal vouchers to be given to members of the winning team* *Please refer to terms and conditions, which can be downloaded from the Pod (
Lesson 3 Overview Activity 1 What is a Kilowatt hour? (worksheet and activity) Activity 2 Students work in their teams to progress their campaigns 1.Recap Step 1 - Developing Your Campaign Ideas (A3 worksheet from previous lesson) 2.Step 2 – Organise Your Campaign Worksheet 3.Step 3 – Use Results Sheet for collecting campaign results Closing Activity / Homework Electricity Consumption Exercise (worksheet)
LESSON 3 Campaign recap Review the ideas you gathered in Step 1 (last lesson’s worksheet) Each Campaign must include: 1.Campaign Name 2.Description of the problem you wish to change – explain how energy is currently being wasted at home 3.Campaign Aim - what changes will your campaign aim to deliver and how will this help people (environmental and cost saving benefits) 4.Target Audience – who will your campaign be aimed at. 5.Campaign Plan – including the activities you will deliver 6.Results – to measure the reach and impact of the campaign -How many people you reached. -Who you reached. -Evidence they have to show changes have been made
LESSON 3 - ACTIVITY 2 Step 2: Organise your campaign Using the worksheet, work in groups to plan your activities. Think about: 1.Your target audience – what activities will help reach the most amount of people in the best way (e.g.: poster campaign, social media, exhibition). 2.The messages you wish to communicate (what energy saving behaviour to you wish to achieve). 3.The time and resources you have available. 4.Measuring success - How will you collect information as evidence.
LESSON 3 Some ideas for campaign activities: Outreach Survey To raise awareness and persuade people to change. Pester Power! A 20 min session to present and persuade others to change. Poster Campaign/ Exhibition E ncourage people to consider how they can be more energy efficient and why. The Challenge Video/Pod Cast E xplain the issue, why it is important and how easy it is to make changes. Photo Diary Using before and after pictures and words show how your family or community have made positive changes. Energy Performers Devise a theatrical piece on the theme and perform it to an audience of visitors to the school. Digital Campaign Use social media and your school website to persuade visitors to make changes. Press/Radio Campaign Share your campaign messages to persuade others to change.
LESSON 3 Step 3: Collecting results As you begin to run activity use the Results Sheet to collect and record information. Each campaign must collect and record the following data: ProfileHow many did you reach? University Students Families Retired People Other (please specify) Total What evidence could you collect that would help you evaluate your campaign’s success?
OVERVIEW Lesson 4 Activity 1 The Biggest Loser Quiz (interactive quiz) Activity 2 Students work in their teams to progress campaigns – Focus on collecting results and evidence Watt Can You Power? (worksheet and activity) Closing / Homework Activity Continue to work on campaign
LESSON 4 Collecting Results 1.What evidence have you gathered so far? 2.What else could you collect to help you evaluate your campaign’s success? (statistics; photographic evidence; positive feedback; interviews) Remember to use the Results Sheet to collect and record your results
OVERVIEW Lesson 5 Activity 1 Carbon Cruncher Quiz (interactive activity) Activity 2 Recap on judging criteria for the best school campaign, and for The Challenge if you are entering. Students work in their teams to progress campaigns and prepare their presentations. Closing / Homework Activity Prepare presentations for lesson 6
LESSON 5 The Big Energy Efficiency Project Identification and understanding of the issue Explaining the benefits of change (science understanding) The Campaign Results: extent of community outreach (number of people and who they were) and evidence of positive change Judging Criteria
LESSON 5 Presenting your campaigns The following headings are a guide (1 slide for each) 1.Campaign Name 2.The problem/s you identified (how energy was being wasted at home) 3.Campaign Aim (what changes your campaign aimed to deliver and the environmental and cost saving benefits) 4.Target Audience (who was your campaign aimed at?) 5.Campaign Activities (what did you do?) 6.Results -How many people you reached. -Who you reached. -Evidence you have that changes have been made.
LESSON 6 – Activity 1 The Judging! Mark each team’s campaign by scoring each column out of 5 Team Name (list each team you are marking below) Identifying and understanding the Issue Explaining the benefits of making positive changes The CampaignResults: extent of community outreach (number of people and who they are) and evidence of positive change Total (max 20 points) Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
LESSON 6 Now you have completed your campaign please: 1.Complete the second student survey 2.If you are entering The Challenge, the best school campaign team and teacher must prepare an entry by completing the two entry forms. Teachers submit theirs online and students together with all other material via If you are entering The Challenge, you could win £1000 of science equipment for the school, and £50 vouchers to be given to the members of the winning team!* GOOD LUCK! *Please refer to terms and conditions, which can be downloaded from the Pod (