Sheep belong to the shepherd (v. 1). Loving ownership exists because the shepherd chose and purchased the sheep. They bear the shepherd’s distinctive mark. Sheep require more attention and care than other livestock. Human beings are a lot like sheep.
Sheep are content with their shepherd because of proper husbandry (v. 1). A satisfaction knowing the shepherd cares and tends day and night, even in the middle of storms. Welfare of the flock is dependent upon the shepherd’s diligence.
Sheep experience flow of goodness and mercy because of shepherd’s diligence. Prepares green pastures to lie down in (v. 2) Leads beside still waters (v. 2) Restores the soul (v. 3) Leads in right paths (v. 3) Quells fears in the valley (v. 4) Comforts with his rod and staff (v. 4) Prepares a table (v. 5) Anoints with oil the head (v. 5)
Jesus Christ painstakingly shepherds God’s sheep that they may flourish in spite of life’s hardship. His sheep’s satisfaction and joy are such that they choose to stay in the Shepherd’s home and care.