funs'kky; lesfdr cky fodkl lsok,W
Wikimapia ij vkaxuckMh dsUnz dk vadu (i.e. AWCs Plotting)
WikiMapia is an open-content collaborative mapping project that aims to mark and describe all geographical objects in the world and provide a useful description for them, so that anyone can share his knowledge and freely explore the world. In the context of ICDS we can mark all the District Offices/Project Offices/AWCs of Rajasthan on Wikimapia.
Wikimapia ij AWC Plotting dh izfdz;k ds fy;s fuEu vko';d gSa%& -Project account for registration -Computer -Internet Connection -List of AWCs
Account cukuk
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wikimapia ij Login djuk
Registration djuk bl esa vkidks user name VkbZi djuk gksxk (i.e. cdpobarmer/cdposiwana etc.) esa viuk account VkbZi djuk gSA Password esa account dk password VkbZi djuk gSA
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Satellite + old places
igys District name ls Search djsa
Project/Village Search djsa
Add Place ij Click djsa
Adding Place outline ij Click dj lgh LFkku ds pkjksa fcUnq fpfUgr dj Save djsa
outline xyr Mark gksus ij Resize outline ls lgh dj ldrs gSA
Language: English/ Hindi (Only Mangal Font) Title:AWC 11 digit code Description:Name of AWC, Name of Village/ Ward, Name of Project ( May add other relevant details ) Street:Name of the location/ address Category: Anganwadi This place is building:tick mark & Click Save
Red Point ij Mouse ls Double Click djsa
;g vkidh Detail gS tks fd vkius Feed dh gSA bl Page/Window dk vkidks Print ysuk gSA blds fy;s vki Keyboard ij Print Screen Key dks,d ckj Press djsa,oa word document file esa Paste djysa,slk djus ij vki }kjk feed xbZ Detail dh doc File cu tk;sxh rFkk vkaxuckMh dsUnz dk Latitude/Longitude Hkh vk tk;sxkA vkidks bl Page/Window dk URL Hkh copy djds Paste djuk gSa ftlls fd vkidks vius vkaxuckMh dsUnz dk Map miyC/k djok tk ldsaA
URL (Mouse ls Select dj Copy djsa,oa doc file esa Pase djsa ) l=0&m=b&v=1&show=/ /CDPO-Siwana-Office l=0&m=b&v=1&show=/ /CDPO-Siwana-Office