Welcome to Mrs. Moreira’s 6 th Grade Language Arts & Reading
HOMEWORK 1 st /2 nd Period ONLY: Please find the folder with your name on it. Please sign and return the applicable items and return the papers & folder by Friday, Aug. 22 nd. ALL STUDENTS: Make sure you take a supply list with you!
Mrs. Moreira I have taught at BPA since our opening in I graduated from Florida State University with a B.A. in Spanish. I taught Spanish at FSU and at the elementary level in Tallahassee, FL
Communication Website Planners– Students are responsible for copying assignments in the planners on Mondays. Parent Portal– Grades are available online! is the best way to reach me
Supplies Needed for this class 1 Composition Notebook (will need additional one later) 1 Plastic Folder with Pockets Notebook paper Pencils, pens, highlighters Personal Ear Buds for classroom computers Please see the list for additional classroom items that you may donate, such as Lysol wipes, expo markers, etc.
MIDDLE SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE Period 17:50-8:50 Period 28:54-9:49 Period 39:53-10:48 Period 410:52-11:47 Period 511:51-1:21 Lunch time varies according to teacher and rotation schedule Moreira’s Lunch is 12:48-1:18 Period 61:25-2:20 * See planners for the rotation schedule
Syllabus Parents: Please look for a syllabus to come home the first week of school. Contains important information regarding rules, policies, and grading. Please sign and return the signature portion by Friday, August 22 nd.
Curriculum Information What does ASPIRE stand for? Academic Success through Prevention, Intervention, Remediation, and Enrichment Plan How is a student placed in this program? The ASPIRE program will serve the needs of students who have shown a pattern of scoring a Level I or Level 2 on FCAT Reading and Math, and/or require intensive remediation to maintain grade level expectations. Students receive 110 minutes of Intensive Language Arts/Reading instruction daily.
Upcoming Events First Day of School– Tomorrow!!! Labor Day– No School on September 1 st Fall Pictures– September 4 th and 5 th Open House– September 9 th at 5:30 PM
Thank you for coming! See you tomorrow!