Geometrically Bounded Wireframe AIC (Part 510) Grouping of curves relevant for 3-dimensional wireframe modeling without topological constructs Elementary and complex curves are addressed Application areas include drawing generation and limited visualization Example: curve
Topologically Bounded Surface AIC (Part 511) Surface shape information for surface modeling using topological constructs Elementary and complex curves/surfaces with trimming of curves/surfaces using topological entities Applications include visualization, FEA, and NC machining Example: face edge
AIC512: Faceted Boundary Representation (Brep) face edge Solid shape represented by a collection of faces described by surface equations and bounding edges Solid generally represents an approximation of a principal solid Face surfaces are planar with polygonal edges Application areas include visualization, interference checking, mass properties analysis Example:
AIC513: Elementary Boundary Representation (Brep) face edge Example: Solid shape represented by a collection of faces described by surface equations and bounding edges Face surfaces are elementary surfaces consisting of spheres, cylinders, cones, planes, or tori Application areas include visualization, interference checking, mass properties analysis, NC machining, FEA
AIC514: Advanced Boundary Representation (Brep) face edge Solid shape represented by a collection of faces described by surface equations and bounding edges Face surfaces are either complex freeform (sculptured) surfaces represented as B-splines or elementary surfaces Application areas include visualization, interference checking, mass properties analysis, NC machining, FEA Example:
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) AIC (Part 515) Solid shape represented by using boolean operations of union, intersection, difference on solid primitives, brep solids, and swept area solids Solid primitives and operations can be represented in a binary tree structure Application areas include visualization, interference checking, mass properties analysis Example: a. Part b. CSG Tree Hole Box 2 Box 1 un. dif.