Nuclear Data Libraries for Advanced Systems: Fusion Devices FENDL-3 IAEA, Vienna, 2-5 December 2008 A Mengoni IAEA Nuclear Data Section
precedent FENDL-2 (1998) “A comprehensive, validated, and extensively tested nuclear data library developed for fusion (thermonuclear) applications and actually used for the ITER design. Evaluations contained in the library are judged to be the best available by February 1997”
FENDL-2.1 (2004) various updates precedent
4-6 October 2005, TM at FZK, Karlsruhe Basic ideas about the actions needed to improve/extend present nuclear data libraries for fusion applications 9-12 May 2006, INDC recommendation INDC recommended the extension of the FENDL library to cover the nuclear data needs of the IFMIF community 31 October – 2 November 2007, TM at IAEA, Vienna Objectives for a CRP proposal drafted December 2007 CRP approved by CCRA In 2008, all RA and RC for the CRP worked out; organization of RCM-1 precedent
CRP objectives The overall objective of the initiative is to improve the status of the nuclear databases for assessments of radiation damage to structural components of fusion devices, such as IFMIF, which is in an advanced stage of design and planning. A primary objective of the CRP is to provide an evaluated nuclear data library for fusion applications. The library will represent a substantial extension of the presently available FENDL-2.1 library toward higher energies, with inclusion of incident charged particles and the evaluation of related uncertainties. The new library will be called FENDL-3.0, and will be released at the end of the proposed CRP activities. The present version of FENDL has been extensively used in benchmark studies of materials for ITER. The purpose of the present CRP proposal is to extend the scope of the library for fusion applications to IFMIF and also for design studies of DEMO, which represents the next generation device beyond ITER.
CRP objectives Update the FENDL-2.1 library with presently available evaluations Extend the neutron induced library to energies up to 150 MeV Include p- and d-induced general purpose and activation libraries for incident energies up to 150 MeV Creation of a library based on model calculations which contains covariances files
FENDL-3 CRP participants 1.J-C Sublet, CEA Cadarache, France 2.U Fischer, FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany 3.FT Tarkanyi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary 4.P Batistoni, ENEA, Frascati, Italy 5.S Kunieda, JAEA, Tokai-mura, Japan 6.Y Watanabe, Fukuoka, Japan 7.HI Kim, KAERI, Korea 8.J Kopecky, Juko Research, Petten, The Netherlands 9.M Avrigeanu, Bucarest, Romania 10.A Igantyuk, IPPE Obnisnk, Russian Federation 11.A Trkov, JSI, Ljubljana, Slovenia 12.R Forrest, UKAEA, United Kingdoom 13.T Kawano, LANL, Los Alamos, USA 14.M Sawan, University of Wisconsin, Madison WI, USA 15.C Walker Kalbach, TUNL Durham NC, USA (*) M Loughlin, ITER, St Paul lez Durance, France P Pereslavstev, FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany A Mengoni, IAEA, Vienna (Project Scientific Officer)
data libraries (recent)
timeline Activity Selection of participants ● Organize 1 st RCM to coordinate work programme ● Organize 2 nd RCM to review work plan, tune to meet CRP objectives ● Organize 3 rd RCM to review the results obtained, assess the CRP accomplishments, adopt action plan to produce final report ● Prepare Final Report ● Release of the FENDL-3.0 library ●
RCM1: topics for discussion Comparison of the most recently released libraries (e.g. ENDF/B-VII, JENDL/HE-2007, etc.) with the present content of FENDL-2.1 Measurements of neutron, proton, and deuteron induced reactions at energies above 20 MeV FENDL-3 and other Nuclear Data projects for Fusion Applications (links to EU projects, etc.) The new TENDL-2008 library (from TALYS calculations): Can we use it?
RCM1: organization & practical infos Lidija Vrapcenjak
the end