T UNING THE FWHM IN RING RESONATORS Mehrnoosh Taghi Boroojerdi CMC Nano-Photonic Workshop July, 2012
FWHM IMPROVEMENT IN RING RESONATORS Increasing propagation loss in the ring Sampling the input light in several paths InputThrough Bandwidth of the minimums of the through signal will increase
Fig. a) and b) Schematic of multiple ring resonator design. c) Spectra of the drop port output (The normalized frequency is denoted as θ, while the round-trip transmission coefficient of each resonator is τ. As τ decreases, the loss increases)[1]
N EW DESIGN (1) ThroughInput Drop Light is sampled through several paths, therefore the FWHM is increased at the Drop port.
R EFERENCES [1]. X. Zhang, X. Zhang, and D. Huang, "Analysis and Design of Box-Like Filters Based on 3×2 Microring Resonator Arrays," in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition, Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper ThE4
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