Criminal Record Consequences Even if you received a not guilty on your criminal case, it is still publically available. You have to take the affirmative step to remove that record. A criminal record, even one where you were not found guilty can affect Housing Employment School Social Circles 2
Expungement Statistics In 2014 in Baltimore City District Court, 75% of all concluded cases were expungeable. There are currently at least 800,000 expungeable cases in Baltimore City alone. The picture on the right shows a small section of west Baltimore. Each pin is an expungeable case. 3
Expungement Generally Two Factors: The disposition and the disposition date of the charges in a case are generally all you need to determine expungeability. General Rule: A case with a guilty disposition on any charge is not expungeable. If a case does not contain a Guilty, then it is likely expungeable. Unit Rule: The whole case is expungeable or none of it is expungeable. Cannot expunge individual charges. Criminal Only: Expungement law under Criminal Procedure covers criminal matters only. Civil cases cannot be expunged under Process: Start with the worst disposition in the case. If that disposition can be expunged, then move on to the next. If it can’t be expunged then stop because the case is not expungeable. 4
Convictions Category 1 - Worst Generally guilty convictions are NOT expungeable. Exception 1: Nuisance crimes – Convictions for the nuisance crimes below are expungeable. Urinating in public, panhandling, drinking alcohol in public, vagrancy, loitering, using transit w/out payment, sleeping in public Transit offenses (7-705) This covers minor violations like consuming food or drink on a transit vehicle or playing a radio without headphones If found NCR (not criminally responsible), then trespass, telephone misuse, disturbing the peace is also expungable Waiting Period: 3 years after completion of sentence Exception 2: No Longer a Crime – Convictions for an act no longer a crime are expungeable. ex. marijuana possession less than 10 grams, no longer a crime Case search website may not indicate amount Immediately expungeable. No waiting period. 5
Gray Area Dispositions Category 2 - Medium Stet – expungeable after a 3 year waiting period Probation Before Judgement (PBJ) – expungeable after 3 year waiting period or completion of probation, whichever longer If there is no subsequent conviction within 3 years DUIs can’t be expunged Good Cause: If a client has a particular good reason for needing a Stet or a PBJ expunged earlier than then 3 years minimum, you can petition the court to expunge it earlier for good cause. This does require a hearing. 6
Non-Convictions Category 3 - Best Nolle Prosequi – Expungeable immediately Not Guilty/Acquittal - Expungeable immediately Dismissal - Expungeable immediately Juvenile Transfer – If you were charged as adult, but then transferred to juvenile The original Adult charge can be expunged from your record There is a separate process for juvenile expungement (see slide 22) Expungeable immediately Waiting Period: No waiting period but if filing within 3 years of the date of disposition, the client needs to file a Waiver of Liability as well. 7
Expungeable Disposition Overview Nolle Prosequi (Immediately) Not Guilty/Acquittal (Immediately) Dismissal (Immediately) Juvenile Transfer (Immediately) Stet (3 Years) PBJ (3 Years or length of the probation whichever longer) Guilty (Marijuana < 10g) (Immediately) Guilty/NCR (Nuisance Crime) (3 Years) 8
Sample Sheet 11
Expungement Form 12 Main petition Form CC-DC-CR-072 Simply check the appropriate boxes indicating why the case is expungeable. You can and sometimes have to select multiple boxes.
Liability Waiver 13 Waives all claims the client may have relating to the arrest. Client must sign if filing before 3 years. CC-DC/CR 78
MLSC/OPD Fee Waiver 14 Automatically waives the $30 court filing fee. Only applies to people are who income eligible and a client of an MLSC funded organization. CC-DC-088
Complications Pending criminal proceeding Any request for expungement filed while there is a pending criminal action will be denied Cases yet to go to trial. First year of stet Probation on a Probation Before Judgment Does not include probation as a part of a Guilty conviction. Civil Citations that could not be charged as a crime Non-Incarcerable/Minor Traffic Offenses Also known as minor traffic offenses. Minor traffic offenses do not count toward the Unit Rule. A conviction for a minor traffic offense will not block an otherwise expungeable case. The MVA has a separate expungement process for non-incarcerable traffic offenses. 15
Minor/Major Traffic Offenses 16 To the Left: Minor or Non-Incarcerable Traffic Offense To the Right: Major or Incarcerable Traffic Offense
Determining Your Record Maryland Judiciary Case Search Case Search only goes back to the 1990s Be aware – information may be missing or wrong; names are commonly misspelled Example: Would not include an arrest and release without formal charges, although this would be on your record Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) – will include any activity that involved being fingerprinted To obtain CJIS, go between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and the 1 st and 3 rd Saturday of the month from 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to Reisterstown Plaza, 6776 Reisterstown Road, Suite 102, Baltimore, Maryland. Cost is $38.00 payable in money order, certified or personal check to CJIS-Central Repository. Cash is not accepted. 17
Filing Your Expungement When completing the form, use caution to not include incriminating information Generally, just list what the crime was that you were charged with If you are listed as co-defendant When an expungement order is issued in your case, it should remove your listing as co-defendant as well One Petition Per Incident: Add the other case number(s) on one expungement petition. Circuit Court: B Traffic: T T T File in the Courthouse where the case was decided. 18
Filing Your Expungement Put in each case number, and it will automatically determine if the case is likely expungable Will assemble petition documents for court submission Each petition is $30, unless request filing fee waiver or assisted by legal services organization No filing fee for Not Guilty Petitions for a client don’t have to all be filed at the same time: If you file a petition, and then identify more expungable items, you can file more petitions Copies: Generally recommended you bring five copies of the petition to file. Four for the Court and one for your records. 19
Once Your Expungement is Filed States’ Attorney has 30 days to object If there is an objection, a hearing will be scheduled It is supposed to take 90 days for the court to issue the order to expunge In Baltimore City, the process can take 4 to 7 months Once the order is issued: Court removes records in approximately hours Agencies (police department, criminal record bank, etc.) have 60 days 20
Red Flag Issues for Expungement If you are not a United States citizen – use caution Can create issues between state and federal records Consult an immigration attorney Private, third party businesses that perform background checks for a fee can’t be made to remove your record They may pull your data before your record has been expunged and then keep that information in their system When someone pays for a background check, they may get your record as it was before the expungement 21
Removing Other Records Release Without Charge Traffic Offenses Juvenile Offenses Shielding Pardon 22
Release Without Charge For RWOC (release without charge) You can request to do this expungement with the police department that arrested you This requires a different form specific to each police department From Oct. 1, 2007 forward, these should be automatically removed Arrests prior to then – not removed without expungement 23
Minor Traffic Offenses MVA Expungement: Must file request with the Motor Vehicle Administration Applies only to minor traffic offenses (generally, those that are payable with a fine) Fee: There is no fee for requesting a MVA expungement, although you will need to get a driving record (approximately $10) Go to the MVA to request the form or go to the MVA website MVA will automatically expunge your driver record 3 years after a conviction if: You were not convicted of another moving violation or criminal offense involving a motor vehicle during the previous 3 years; and Your driver’s license has never been suspended or revoked; and You have never been convicted of, or been granted Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) for DUI or failing to remain at scene of accident resulting in injury or death 24
Shielding Shielding does not destroy the record, but removes it from public view You can only shield your record once In no more than one court (district or circuit) and one county Specific nonviolent misdemeanor convictions Disorderly Conduct under §10-201(c)(2) of the Criminal Law Article; Disturbing the Peace under §10-201(c)(4) of the Criminal Law Article; Failure to Obey a Reasonable and Lawful Order under §10-201(c)(3) of the Criminal Law Article; Malicious Destruction of Property in the Lesser Degree under §6-301 of the Criminal Law Article; Trespass on Posted Property under §6-402 of the Criminal Law Article; Possession or Administering a Controlled Dangerous Substance under §5-601 of the Criminal Law Article; Possession of Administering a Noncontrolled Dangerous Substance under §5-618(a) of the Criminal Law Article; Use of or Possession with Intent to Use Drug Paraphernalia under §5-619(c)(1) of the Criminal Law Article; Driving without a License under § of the Transportation Article; Driving While Privilege is Canceled, Suspended, Refused, or Revoked under § of the Transportation Article; Driving While Uninsured under § of the Transportation Article; or A Prostitution Offense under §11-306(a)(1) of the Criminal Law Article if the conviction is for Prostitution and not Assignation. There is a 3 year waiting period AFTER completing any parole, probation, etc. No pending criminal activity No subsequent convictions (guilty) 25
Juvenile Sealing & Expungements Why expunge your juvenile record? Record will show up as “sealed”, better to expunge and entirely remove, if eligible These factors must be in place: You are 18 or older and it has been 2 years since juvenile action You were adjudicated delinquent only once There has been no conviction since the juvenile case You have had no pending delinquency or criminal matters You can’t expunge a juvenile offense that if you were tried as an adult would be a felony, violent crime or 4 th degree sexual offense You were not required to register as a sex offender The case didn’t involve a firearm in a crime of violence All restitution has been fully paid; and The outcome of the case was nol pros, dismissed, didn’t find allegations to be true, or not held within 2 years after petition filed Court also considers Individual’s best interest Individual’s stability in community Safety of public 26
Pardons Very limited Granted by Governor and discretionary MVLS and other legal service providers do not assist with pardons For more information, please visit 27
Get Help with Expungements Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service Phone intake – (800) Online – Homeless Persons Representation Project Phone – Office of the Public Defender – if you are already represented by OPD in criminal matter Legal Aid Bureau – Lawyer in the Library clinic Enoch Pratt Free Library, Pennsylvania Avenue branch, 1531 W. North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 4 th Saturdays of the month – 12 – 2 pm 28
Need Legal Help? Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service can help. MVLS is a nonprofit organization that provides quality pro bono civil legal assistance to Marylanders with limited or no income at low or no cost. Sample of cases MVLS can assist with: AdoptionDivorce & CustodyPublic Benefit Denial Adult and Child GuardianshipIncome Tax DisputesReinstatement of License (not auto) Bankruptcy – Chapter 7Landlord/Tenant DisputesSchool Suspension Contract DisputesForeclosure/Property IssuesTax Sale Foreclosure ExpungementsName Changes/Birth CertificatesTort Defense Debt/Consumer DisputesNonprofit OrganizationsUnemployment Compensation Deed ChangesWills/EstatesWage Claims APPLY ONLINE CALL MVLS PHONE INTAKE HOURS · Monday - Thursday · pm 29