Weapons Lesson starter: Make a list of all the weapons you think were used in WWI.
Today we will… Understand some of the weaponry used on the Western Front Assess the usefulness of each
Start a mind map with the title ‘World War I Weapons’ As we move through the slides, add on information about each weapon you hear about
Background… Before 1914, armies had relied on cavalry to win wars Machine guns and barbed wire in WWI meant new technology was essential…
Lee Enfield Rifle Each British soldier had one of these A pro could shoot 15 rounds per min A new recruit (like at the Somme) 8 per min
Grenades (Mills Bomb) Small explosives, hand thrown Remove safety pin, four second fuse When detonated it split into tiny fragments
The German stick grenade had no fuse, giving it’s target no time to take cover
Vickers Machine Gun Not a mobile weapon Required a crew of 6 Needed a water cooler Excellent defensive weapon 500 bullets per minute
Artillery WWI the war of ‘big guns’ These were needed for bombarding trenches ‘howitzers’ Could fire 900kg shells over 18km Shrapnel killed more soldiers than any other weapon
Gas First used by Germans in 1915 Came in a cylinder which would be released Relied on correct wind otherwise could be disastrous Gas masks developed in 1916 (but didn’t work for mustard gas)
Releasing poison gas from trenches
Three Types
Tank First used at Somme 1916 Terrifying for enemy Had guns or machine guns Early tanks were unreliable and broke down They were supposed to move quickly over No Man’s Land They often got stuck
Look at your mind map… If you had to lose one weapon as a WWI soldier, what would it be? If you could only have one, what would it be?
Weapons Clips war-aircraft/7597.html - planeshttp:// war-aircraft/7597.html it-like-in-a-ww1-tank/12726.html - tankshttp:// it-like-in-a-ww1-tank/12726.html weapon-during-the-great-war/12739.html - gashttp:// weapon-during-the-great-war/12739.html disaster-of-the-somme/12747.html - The Sommehttp:// disaster-of-the-somme/12747.html
Today we will… Understand some of the weaponry used on the Western Front Assess the usefulness of each