# Pearl Harbor Comic Strips # atch?v=ozksd76CSIs (Click here to watch the Pearl Harbor Trailer)
# Fold your blank paper into 6 squares (3x2). When you see the red numbered symbol, fill in one of your six comic strip boxes with a title, caption and drawing for that slide. Be sure that your titles or captions include all 13 key terms listed on the left! # Pearl Harbor Comic Strips 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War
#1 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan Industrializes #1 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War industrialization In 1868, Japan was reunited under Emperor Meiji, eliminating the powerful shogun warlords and samurai class. The Meiji state began introducing industrialization and other Western ideas to Japan.
#1 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan Industrializes #1 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War Nearly 3,000 Americans and other Europeans were invited (paid) to teach modern science, mathematics, technology and foreign languages in Japan. Japanese youth were also sent by the thousands to western universities in the U.S. and Europe. In 1871, a specific group of Japanese politicians went on what came to be called the “Iwakura Mission” toured Europe and America to learn western ways. emperor meiji
#1 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan Industrializes #1 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War modernize The Iwakura Mission returned to Japan and began to intentionally modernize and ‘catch up’ with the west. A few years later, The Bank of Japan was established. Tax revenues were used create factories for things like steel and textiles. Additionally, areas of rural Japan contributed to silk and cotton production. Japanese leaders funded the building of railroads, sky- scrapers and improved existing roads and infrastructure. Japanese Empire The Japanese Empire set its sights on neighboring countries for resources. emperor meiji
#2 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan’s Empire Spreads #2 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War imperialism colonization Manchuria Korea This Meiji Restoration, as it came to be called, worked almost too well. Japan turned into a war machine. Japan looked to expand imperialism and colonization into Asia. In 1904, a war broke out between Japan and Russia over territorial expansion into Manchuria and Korea.
#2 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan’s Empire Spreads #2 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War The first major war of the 1900s, the Russo- Japanese War, featured a disorganized Russian military against a dominant Japanese military on land and at sea. It marked the first time an Asian nation defeated a European nation in war. This shocked the rest of the world and Japan’s power and confidence was on the rise.
#2 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan’s Empire Spreads #2 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War Five years later, Japan annexed Korea… “His Majesty the Emperor of Korea makes the complete and permanent cession to His Majesty the Emperor of Japan of all rights of sovereignty over the whole of Korea". – Article 1 of the Japan- Korea annexation Treaty (1910) –
#3 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips U.S. Cuts Japan’s Oil Supply #3 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War oil embargo When World War Two began, Japan spread its empire to other Asian nations. Instead of declaring war on Japan, the United States first boycotted, and then stopped oil ships from traveling to Japan, thus cutting off their fuel supply. This oil embargo was initiated by both the United States and the British Empire. Before long, the Japanese would not be able to operate ships, automobiles, planes, or machinery.
#4 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor #4 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War surprise air attack Pearl Harbor As a result of the oil embargo, Japan sprung a surprise air attack at the United States naval base in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor on December 7 th, The Japanese pulled off a complete surprise attack on a lazy Sunday morning. From the Japanese perspective, the attack was a huge success. atch?v=Sv1niwxQgoY (Click here to watch a Pearl Harbor scene of the attack)
#4 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor #4 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War The attack crippled the U.S. Pacific Fleet; severely damaging or destroying 12 American warships, destroyed 188 aircraft, and killed 2,403 American servicemen and 68 civilians.
#5 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips FDR gives famous speech #5 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “Date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War FDR’s FDR’s speech asking congress to declare war on Japan (12/8/41) date which will live in infamy “Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific… /watch?v=PFhY6IaUJ40 (Click here to watch an FDR scene from Pearl Harbor)
#5 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips FDR gives famous speech #5 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “Date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War FDR’s speech asking congress to declare war on Japan (12/8/41) …Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our secretary of state a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack…”
#6 Pearl Harbor Comic Strips U.S. Declares War on Japan #6 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War declaration of war Following U.S. declaration of war on Japan, Germany declared war on the U.S. (even though it wasn’t forced to do so under the Tripartite Pact of 1940). Hitler thought this would encourage Japan to support him by attacking the Soviet Union (Japan didn’t do so). This move by Hitler is seen as a huge mistake and another turning point in the war. It gave FDR the reasoning needed for the U.S. to join the fight in Europe with full commitment.
# Pearl Harbor Comic Strips # Have you used all 13 key terms in your titles and captions? 1 Japanize Empire 2 Industrialization 3 Modernization 4 Colonization 5 Imperialism 6 Korea 7 Manchuria 8 Oil Embargo 9 Surprise Attack 10 Pearl Harbor 11 FDR 12 “date which will live in infamy” 13 Declaration of War Congress passes declaration of War