Facts About Giving Nationally And Locally
The National Church Average pledge ECUSA: $1, (2005 data –domestic dioceses)
Our Diocese Average pledge in the Diocese of Maryland: $1, (2006 Parochial Reports)
Giving Trends in Our Diocese 2000 Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 15,000 Pledging units: 10,565 Avg. Pledge: $1,352.00
Giving Trends in Our Diocese 2005 Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 13,155 Pledging units: 9,947 Avg. Pledge: $1, Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 15,000 Pledging units: 10,565 Avg. Pledge: $1,352.00
Giving Trends in Our Diocese 2006 Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 12,879 Pledging units: 9,541 Avg. Pledge: $1, Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 15,000 Pledging units: 10,565 Avg. Pledge: $1, Parochial Reports: Avg. Sunday Attendance: 13,155 Pledging units: 9,947 Avg. Pledge: $1,729.00
Giving Trends in Our Diocese 2000 Avg. Sunday Attendance: 15,000 Pledging units: 10,565 Avg. Pledge: $1, Avg. Sunday Attendance: 13,155 Pledging units: 9,947 Avg. Pledge: $1, Avg. Sunday Attendance: 12,879 Pledging units: 9,541 Avg. Pledge: $1,753.00
Giving Trends in our Diocese Highest Average Pledge in 2006 $3, (The Gathering)
Generational Giving Motivation And Method
Generational Statistics The following statistics were obtained through a study of US congregations by the University of Chicago in ,287 attendees in 807 congregations were surveyed.
Generational Differences GroupYear of Birth Gen Y Gen X Boomers OlderBefore 1946
Membership by Generation Gen YGen XBoomersOlder Yes64%68%79%83% In process of joining 4%5%2%1% No, but regularly participate 17%15%11%7% No14%12%8%
Worship Attendance by Generation
Giving Trends by Generation % of Income given Gen YGen XBoomersOlder 5% or more 24%36%45%57% Less than 5% 46%58%52%40% Do not contribute 30%7%4%3%