Fortune 500 Apps Smackdown John Rempel Quality Control & Training Specialist AMAC Accessibility Solutions & Research Center at Georgia Tech
LEGAL The Law related to Mobile Accessibility
Recent DOJ Settlements H&R Block (March, 2014) Peabod Groceries (Nov., 2014) edX (April, 2015) Carnival’s Cruise Ships (July, 2015)
Overview of DOJ Settlements High Profile Settlements Requirements – WCAG 2.0 (Level AA) Applied – Web Accessibility, which includes captioning – Mobile Accessibility – Appoint Web Accessibility Coordinator – Adopt Web Accessibility Policy
Section Amendment to the United States Workforce Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a federal law mandating that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities.
Section 255 Requires telecommunications products and services to be accessible to people with disabilities
Section 508 Refresh (ICT Refresh) Proposed Rule released Feb. 18, 2015 United States Access Board Updating ICT Covered by Section 508 and Section 255 Harmonization of Standards with WCAG 2.0
WCAG 2.0 Part of a series of web accessibility guidelines published in 2008 by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the main international standards organization for the internet. Level A, AA, and AAA
Mobile Accessibility and WCAG 2.0 Mobile Accessibility Mapped to P.O.U.R. Designed to be forward looking Some aspects it couldn’t anticipate
More than Just Phones & Tablets Car interfaces Videogame controllers Smart watches Emerging Markets
Mobile More Imporant Than Ever Before Noisy Spaces Using One Hand Outdoor use in bright light Small-sized touchscreens Multitasking- Driving or Walking All Ages Using Mobile
Testing with Mobile Devices Use Latest Operating System when Possible Apple: iOS 9.1 used for today’s demonstration Android: Pair Google’s Nexus with Latest OS
Functional Differences Between iOS & Android iOS Closed Architecture = Predictability Stability Hardware/Software Integration OS updates pushed out simultaneously Android Fragmentation of software and hardware Many more devices on market Commitment to accessibility not comparable
Common Mobile Assistive Technology Screen Reader Magnifier Color Settings Text Settings Captioning & Video Description LED/Vibration Alerts Switch Control
W3C First Public Working Draft (Mobile Accessibility Taskforce)
UAAG 2.0 UAAG 2.0 (User Agent Accessibility Guidelines) Related to Mobile browsers and native apps Reference for Mobile Accessibility Provides guidance on mobile user interfaces URL:
Perceivable 2.1 Small Screen Size 2.2 Zoom/Magnification 2.3 Contrast
Operable 3.1 Keyboard Control for Touchscreen Devices 3.2 Touch Target Size & Spacing 3.3 Touchscreen Gestures 3.4 Device Manipulation Gestures Placing buttons where they are easy to access
Understandable 4.1 Changing Screen Orientation 4.2 Consistent Layout 4.3 Positioning important page elements before the page scroll 4.4 Grouping operable elements that perform same action 4.5 Provide clear indication that elements are actionable 4.6 Provide instructions for custom touchscreen and device manipulation gestures
Robust 5.1 Set virtual keyboard to type of data entry required 5.2 Provide easy methods for data entry 5.3 Support the characteristic properties of platform
Mobile Apps Demonstration
Fortune 500 Apps Under Review Walmart Target Home Depot Office Depot Wells Fargo
Mobile Accessibility Resources W3C Mobile Web Application Best Practices W3C Wiki: New WCAG 2.0 Techniques tf/wiki/New_WCAG_2.0_Techniques W3C Mobile Accessibility Task Force BBC Mobile Accessibility Guidelines ssibility/mobile/about
Mobile Accessibility Resources-2 Paul Adam Site (Presentations) AppleVis Android Access