Core Needs and Values BLUE Relationship
BLUE ATTRIBUTES n Mediates n Optimistic n Caretakers n Passionate n True n True romantic n Need n Need to feel “special” n Always n Always has a kind word n Enjoy symbols of romance n Strong sense of spirituality n Sensitive to needs of others n Peace, Harmony, Relationship n Motivate and encourage others n Cooperative rather than competitive
Core Needs and Values GREEN Intellectual Competence (Information & Knowledge)
GREEN ATTRIBUTES n “Should be able to” n “Why?” n Intellectual n Theoretical n Idea people n Philosophical n Very Complex n Perfectionists n Standard setters n Visionaries, futurists n Can never know enough n Cool, calm, and collected n Work is play - play is work n Often not in the mainstream n Abstract, conceptual, global n Need for independence and private time n Explores all facets before making decisions n Knows how to spell and pronounce “big” words n Approaches interpersonal relationships in a logical matter
Core Needs and Values ORANGE FREEDOM
ORANGE ATTRIBUTES n Playful n Energetic n Charming n Risk Taker n “Just Do It” n Tests limits n Quick Witted n Master negotiator n Creative, inventive n “Let’s make a deal” n A Natural Entertainer n High need for mobility n Visual and kinesthetic n Pushes the boundaries n Natural non-conformist n Thrives on competition n Likes tangible rewards n External locus of control n Stimulates the economy n Impulsive and spontaneous n Appreciates immediate feedback n Tends to be left/right brain integrated n Most productive in informal environment
GOLD ATTRIBUTES n “Be Prepared” n Loves to plan n Detail Orientated n Values family traditions n Helpful and trustworthy n Conservative and stable n “Shoulds” and “should not” n Never breaks the speed limit n Strives for a sense of security n Punctual, predictable, precise n Value order and the status quo n Duty, Loyalty, Useful, Responsible n There is a right way to do everything n Tends to be left-brained and analytical n Strong belief in policies, procedures, rules n Most comfortable with a formal environment
REFRAMING What characteristics of communication are helpful? All of them!
n Warm n Caring n Compassionate n Romantic n Spiritual n People person n Willing to work tirelessly for a cause n Unselfish n Empathetic n Affirming n Caretaker n Promoting growth, well- being n Social interaction expert n Sympathetic n Wanting harmony n Overly-emotional n “Bleeding Heart” n Mushy n Other-worldly n Unrealistic n Hopelessly naive n Too “Touch-Feely” n Too nice n Too trusting n Smothering n Groveling, fawning, soft n Naive
n Superior intellect n 98% right n Tough-minded n Powerful n Visionary n Original, unique n Eminently reasonable n Rational n Calm, not emotional n Under-control n Precise, not repetitive n Able to find flaws n Objective n Holding firm to policy n Seeking justice n Firm-minded, able to reprimand n Intellectual snob n Arrogant n Heartless n Doesn’t care about people n Ruthless n Unrealistic n Eccentric, weird n Emotionally controlled n Cool, aloof, unfeeling n Afraid to open up n Covers subject from all angles n Critical, fault finding n Lacking mercy n Stingy with praise n Doesn’t consider people in plans
n Fun-loving, enjoys life n Spontaneous n Flexible, adaptable n Carefree n Proficient, capable n Hands-on person n Practical n Problem-solver n Good negotiator n Here and Now person n Do many things at once n Eclectic n Can deal with chaos n Curious, welcomes new ideas n Superior ability to discriminate among options, see shades of gray n Irresponsible n Flaky n Wishy-washy n Not serious n Spends time at things they enjoy n Disobeys rules n Manipulative, not to be trusted n Not able to stay on task n Scattered, cluttered n Uncontrollable, resists closure or decision n Indecisive
n Stable n Providing security n Dependable n Firm n Efficient n Realistic n Decisive n Executive type n Good planner n Orderly, neat n Organized person n Punctual n Goal oriented n Rigid n Controlling n Boring n Stubborn n Opinionated n System-bound n Judgmental n Bossy n Limiting flexibility n Uptight n Predictable n Rigid idea of time
In the Learning Environment Blue Learners… Need: n n Guided Imagery n n Group Work, Reports n n Group Discussions n n Poems, Essays, Reports n n Written Descriptions n n Illustrate, Draw, Paint n n Collect Items n n Library Reading n n Cooperative Learning Prefer: n Environment safe, secure, non-threatening n Warmth, Friendliness n Displays of student work n No study corrals n Small group circles n One-on-one with a blue teacher n Active participation n Positive reinforcement n Hands-on activities with interaction n Variety n Flexible time-frame n Relevance to own life n Praise/feedback with acknowledgement n Personal interaction n Informal situations n Talk time
In the Learning Environment Green Learners... Need: n n Guided imagery/specific focus n n Films showing origins n n Create new models n n Lecture n n Library research n n Individual study, research n n Analyze graphs, charts n n Develop teaching posters n n Deductive reasoning n n DebatePrefer: n Quiet and uninterrupted n Neat and orderly n Mental activity supercedes environment n Brief overview, then focused learning n Logical presentation n Leave me alone to think about it n Don’t waste time, get to it n Opportunities for in-depth independent exploration
In the Learning Environment Orange Learners... Need: n n Field trips n n Independent Study n n Brainstorm n n Synthesize n n Link abstract and concrete science-poetry n n Create new systems n n Problem solving n n Debate n n Manipulatives n n Contests, competition Prefer: n Active environment n Teacher is active n Teacher is facilitator n Hands-on n Animated, entertaining n Variety is the spice of life n No dittos n No busy work n Independent work n Be a part of planning n Don’t talk down to us n Negotiated rules within a framework n Purposeful learning
In the Learning Environment Gold Learners... Need: n n Classify n n Categorize n n Construct models - solar systems, maps n n Textbook sources n n Evaluate via quiz n n Worksheets n n Make graphs, charts n n Organize & plan experiments, activitiesPrefer: n n Learning must have a meaning or purpose n n Opportunity to practice n n Recognition for a job well done n Objective clearly stated n Scheduled time-frame n Structured/organized n Discipline-assigned seats n Visual aids n Prefer small groups n Reinforce content n Give individual attention n Specific step-by-step directions n Want other students and teacher to be on task n Need time schedule for deadlines n Desire questions/answer periods and instant feedback n Like reteaching and review n Environment: quiet, orderly, uninterrupted n Brief