Status of the implementation of TT6 C++ software in Test-Beam framework Jacopo Bernardini I.N.F.N. Pisa
ApvAnalysis Mask (TkApvMask) Pedestal Calculator (TkPedestalCalculator ) Noise Calculator (TkNoiseCalculator) Commonmode Calculator (TkCommoModeCalculator ) ZeroSuppresser (TkZeroSuppresser) ApvAnalysis Framework (provided by Tommaso) EventReader (Zebra File)
TT6 Algorithm implemented in ApvAnalysis Framework TT6PedestalCalculator TT6CommonModeCalculator TT6NoiseCalculator TT6ApvMask TT6ZebraReader (using ZebraReader in TestBeams/X5October2001) Initialization Iterative update
CommonMode For CommonMode calculation - Noise of individual strip - Strip Mask are used (not provided by framework) In TT6CommonModeCalculator the CM is a weighted average (weight = 1/Noise 2 ) (not in the Fortran version)
Pedestal, noise, CM, flags between Fortran TT6 and C++ TT6 are compared - Data of October 2001 beam test - Run number Only one APV studied (Module #2 & APV#1) events used (double precision in calculation)
Requirements For accuracy in numerical calculation, in ApvAnalysis, is better to use double instead of float (ApvAnalysis::SubtractedSignalType vector …) Noise and Flags (Mask) should be available to TkCommonModeCalculator More options for dead and noisy strips in TkApvMask (ok = 1, dead = 2, noisy = 3)
To do……… Implementation of clusterfinder (ZeroSuppresser) To decide for future test-beams if the Event Reader will be provided or we have to write specific Event Reader Integration of this software with module test ??????