Conceptual Physics Starter: turn in hmwk; get out SMQ sheet; pick up Learning Target sheet Learning target focus today: 1, 8, 9 SMQ New material: Vector Addition of Forces; the Moving Earth Small group problems TBA Today’s formative assessment: 2 minute reflection
Astronomy Starter: get out new SW/APOD sheet, “When We Left Earth” wkst and Learning Target inventory Learning target focus today: 5, SW/APOD Finish video and response wkst Continue new material: Movements of the Moon Formative assessment: Point of Most Significance
3 rd Period Chemistry I Starter: turn in hmwk; pick up Learning Target sheet; in your notes, complete the following – 414 J of heat is applied to 7.8 g of water at 32.9°C. What is the new temperature of the water? Learning target focus today: 2 and 10 Go over hmwk New material: 2-2 Temperature 2-2 Practice problems Today’s formative assessment: Two Minute Reflection Hmwk due Thursday: 2-2 review/reinforcement Hmwk due Friday (maybe): 2-3 review/reinforcement
Advanced Physics Starter: turn in learning target sheet; get out calculator, writing utensil and if you want, your formula card; be ready to test as soon as we come back from lunch. Exam: good luck! Post test magazine reading
5 th Period Chemistry I Starter: turn in hmwk; pick up Learning Target sheet; in your notes, complete the following – 414 J of heat is applied to 7.8 g of water at 32.9°C. What is the new temperature of the water? Learning target focus today: 2 and 10 Go over hmwk New material: 2-2 Temperature 2-2 Practice problems Today’s formative assessment: Two Minute Reflection Hmwk due Thursday: 2-2 review/reinforcement Hmwk due Friday (maybe): 2-3 review/reinforcement
AP Chemistry Daily Starter: get out wkst 17 Learning target focus today: 11 Continue wkst 17 Today’s formative assessment: Thinking Stem Log Weekly Chem days: T and Th “Other” days: M, W, F Due Wednesday: Le Chatelier’s Principle lab questions Thursday: practice test Friday: test over Unit 3 - Equilibrium