General Physics1 Welcome to Phys 140!
Textbook Six Ideas the Shaped Physics By Thomas Moore Required texts Unit E, 3 rd Edition Unit Q Unit E, Q and O will be covered this semester Unit E: Electricity and Magnetism Unit Q: Waves, Quantum Mechanics Unit O: Optics (text available online)
General PhysicsLecture 13 About the textbook YOUR TEXTBOOK IS YOUR #1 RESOURCE!!! You are expected to come to class having read the assigned chapter.
Course Design and Grading Tests25% Exam 1, Feb % Exam 2, Mar % Exam 3, Apr % Labs15% You must pass lab to pass class! You must complete every lab to pass lab! Other 25% Homework Two Minute Problems In-class assignments Project15% Final Exam20% Uniform exams for all sections Cumulative
General PhysicsLecture 15 Class Time 2 minute problems Group problems Lab-style activities SHORT lectures Classes will be ACTIVE! They will require you to participate and engage in the problems and activities.
General PhysicsLecture 16 Preparing for Class Assigned Reading One chapter each class Go through exercises in each chapter Answers are provided at the end of the chapter Reading quiz (multiple choice and/or problems) at the start of each class on the assigned chapter Short video lectures (<10 min) of difficult concepts and illustrative examples will be posted on the web and are to be viewed BEFORE class.
General PhysicsLecture 17 Notes Powerpoint slides will be posted on the web. You need paper, writing utensil, and calculator!!!
General PhysicsLecture 18 Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all classes and are responsible for all material covered in class, even when absent. Students should understand that some material discussed in class is not covered in the textbook. In-class problems and activities can not be made up.
General PhysicsLecture 19 Attendance Policy Attendance is required. We realize that some absences are unavoidable, and you should inform your instructor prior to missing any classes. Missing more than 3 classes will decrease your overall grade by a letter grade. You will be advised to withdraw from the course if you miss more than 5 classes.
Homework Weekly Homework will be listed on the schedule Homework is due Friday at 4 pm in drop box outside RB 227 (Dr. Finn’s office) Grading will be the same as last semester 8 points per problem 5 points for working out the problem 3 points for presentation Exams will be very similar to homework and group problems
General PhysicsLecture 111 Grading Homework – 5 point scale Working out problem 5:good effort with correct results and reasoning 4:a good effort with minor errors or a fair effort with no conceptual or math errors 3:a good effort with modest conceptual errors and/or math errors or a fair effort with minor errors 2:a fair effort involving modest conceptual errors or a good effort involving serious conceptual errors 1:a very poor effort 0:no initial effort
General PhysicsLecture 112 Grading Homework – 3 point scale Graded on 8 point scale with the extra three points devoted to quality of presentation issues Adequate diagrams Explanations of model Units and vector notation Algebra first (with symbols only), plug in numbers at the end Grading rubric - 3:great presentation 2:minor presentation problems 1:major presentation problems 0:extremely poor presentation
General PhysicsLecture 113 Guidelines for working homework problems Given: Find: Draw a picture! Write in pencil Clearly label units Cancel units when appropriate WRITE NEATLY Keep work in one column Box answers
Extra Credit Opportunities announced throughout the semester Examples Projects Brown bag lunches Seminars Wikis Podcasts Etc.
MATLAB MATLAB is widely used in engineering, science and mathematics Knowledge of MATLAB is a marketable skill Physics Department has adopted MATLAB as its official language You will see it in higher level courses PHYS 140 sections have the privilege of participating in a pilot for a new web-based MATLAB classroom We will use it this semester for Data analysis and plotting Vector analysis Improve understanding abstract concepts such as vector fields