By: Paul D. Sheriff or SESSION CODE: DEV320
VB.NET Dim menu = _ New XDocument( _ New XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), _ New XComment("Prototype Menus"), _ New XElement("Menus")) C# var menu = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), new XComment("Prototype Menus"), new XElement("Menus"));
VB.NET Dim menu = _ New XDocument( _ New XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"), _ New XComment("Prototype Menus"), _ New XElement("Menus", _ New XElement("Menu", _ New XElement("MenuID", "10"), _ New XElement("DisplayOrder", "10"), _ New XElement("MenuText", "Home") _ )))
VB.NET Dim menu = _ 10 Home NextPage.aspx
VB.NET From in _ Where _ Order By [Ascending | Descending] Select [ = ], [ = ] … C# from in where orderby [ascending | descending] select, …
VB.NET Dim menus = From mnu In xElem. _ Where mnu..Value = "" _ Select mnu C# var menus = from mnu in xdoc.Descendants("Menu") where mnu.Element("ParentMenuID").Value == "" select mnu;
Dim db As New NorthwindDataContext Dim products = <%= From prod In db.Products _ Select %>
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