Common Core State Standards April 17, 2012 Eldorado Cluster Math Vertical Articulation
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." ~ Albert Einstein “Nothing great was ever done without enthusiasm.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
United States Participation 4 States Not Participating: Alaska, Texas, Nebraska, and Virginia (Minnesota is CCSS ELA Only) New Mexico adopted the standards October 21, 2010
24 Governing States NM is one of the 24 Governing States of the CCSS. This means that NM representatives are present when making big testing and CCSS implementation decisions.
Why Common Core Standards? Designed to connect K-12 standards to the demands of readiness for postsecondary education Greater focus to give students and teachers more time to master essential skills Ensuring high standards and equal opportunity for all students Address the variation in quality and rigor across the nation. Major studies identified the existing state standards are a mile wide and an inch deep – these standards do not lack focus and coherence. Internationally benchmarked, ensuring our students are globally competitive
Coming Up… K-3 rd implementation th – 12 th implementation Closing the Gap and Accelerating Progress for All Students APS Implementation Timeline for Transition to the Common Core State Standards See Handout of the Implementation Timeline
How APS Will Implement CCSS Accelerate performance of ALL students for success in college and career Transform curriculum and instruction to meet higher standards and rigor for ALL students Provide opportunities for professional learning: PLCs, embedded PD, coaching, online PD Design exemplary lessons and units Understand and implement common core progressions across elementary, middle and high school Evaluate the implementation Involve stakeholders (district departments, school administrators, teachers, the Board, the union, business, parents and the community) in implementation activities
NM PED Testing Timeline : Current SBA Grades 3-8, : Current SBA Grades 4-8, SBA Bridge for 3rd Grade - SBA CCSS aligned questions : SBA Bridge Grades 3-8, : PARCC Assessment* Grades 3-11 * On-Line, Performance Based Assessment (PBA)
PARCC - Assessment of CCSS Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) PARCC will be providing instructional tools, on- line PD for teachers, and timely data to guide instruction. PARCC is developing and building the assessment system Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
Where to Find the Standards Albuquerque Public Schools -->academics ---->CCSS >The Standards The Core Standards Website
Where to Find the Standards NMPED And, yes, there is an App for the standards (check out iTunes or the Android Market – core standards app is green)
Resources PARCC: The Hunt Institute: library/articles/#articles-by-common-core- state-standardshttp:// library/articles/#articles-by-common-core- state-standards EngageNY: Achieve: common-corehttp:// common-core Achieve The Core:
Supporting District Documents Check this site for all: APS Home → Academics → APS Common Core State Standards Implementation → CCSS Resources → APS ResourcesAPS HomeAcademics APS Common Core State Standards ImplementationCCSS Resources CCSS Update, March 2012: state-standards/ccss-resources-1/ccss- resources-aps state-standards/ccss-resources-1/ccss- resources-aps Where to Focus: state- standards/documents/Math%20Shifts%20and%20 Major%20Work%20of%20Grade.pdf state- standards/documents/Math%20Shifts%20and%20 Major%20Work%20of%20Grade.pdf
And now for some math…