My product fits all the cap codes as it does not have any inappropriate language, nudity, pornographic images and does not have any false statements as it does not say ‘this is the best product in the world’. There for my advertisement should be good for advertising to the pubic. Task 1 Cap Codes
Audience feedback I found out that people liked the colours i used in my advert. This is good as it means it is eye catching. They also thought that my advert was suitable for my target audience. I found out that a lot of people liked my font as it suited my product name but it was quite hard to read. Task 2
Final Product When i designed my product it didn’t really turn out the same as the final product. I changed most of the features including the bottle and colours used. I used the same product name and brand name but just swapped them both round. I kept the fonts the same. Task 4
Technology Technology has helped make my product a lot as i used Google to get ideas of the bottle and my background of the advert. I also used different websites to get my fonts for the advert. I used Photoshop the most to create and edit my bottle and entire advertisement. Lastly i used Google to research what the latest style and type of perfumes are so i can relate them to my advert. Task 5
Target Audience I feel that my product was suitable for my target audience as the style of the bottle and advert was not for young children. Also it is more of an evening perfume and young children don’t go out. Task 6
Challenges One of the challenges i have overcome is to use Photoshop. Before i did not know how to use Photoshop to complete tasks but now i have accomplished to design my perfume advert. Another challenge i have overcome is to analyse adverts in the media. Before i would no of known about brand names and slogans. Task 7
Technical skills Some of the technical skill i have gained during this task is that i can now use Photoshop to a good standard. I can also design my own advertisement. Lastly i understand what is needed to create and present an advertisement Task 8