Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility Presentation on Resource Mobilization for Government Projects Presentation at ICPAK PFM Conference at Sarova White Sands, Mombasa. CPA Fredrick Riaga-ICPAK
1. Introduction External sources can never replace basic funds of the national treasure; With regard to the national treasure institutions need to: promote the institution’s reputation at national level Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
1/15/2016 National Government Sources of Revenue( Article 209)
1/15/2016 County Government Sources of Revenue(Article 209)
HOW THE BUDGET 2014/15 IS SHARED Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
Comparative: Former LA Revenue Streams Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
1/15/2016 Revenue Analysis- National Government
Revenue Analysis- County Government The total budgets for the County Governments in FY 2013/14 is estimated to be Kshs billion comprising of Kshs billion (61.6%) for recurrent expenditure and billion (38.4%) for development expenditure; During the period July 2013 to March 2014, the total revenue available to the Counties amounted to Kshs billion comprising of: 1. Kshs billion (82.6%) from the national shareable revenue, 2. Kshs billion (14.3%) raised from local revenue sources 3. Kshs. 4.2 billion (3.1%) as balance brought forward from FY 2012/13 Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
THE CASE OF RWANDA The 1994 resulted to loss of human lives & virtual destruction of the already weak economy & socio-economic institutions; The economy rapidly rebounded - growing by about 80% between 1994 and 1998; %;, 2005/06- 9% ; dropped to 7.7% ; & %. Politico-economy factors affecting resource mobilization 1. High defense budget; 2. Overreliance on donor support; 3. Need to support the ambitious Rwanda Vision 2020 Tax reforms- 1. Tax compliance at 97%; 2. 90% of revenue collected by banks; Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
TRENDS IN RWANDA’S DEVELOPMRNT FINANCING Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
NATIONAL GOVERNMENT- RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Need to expansion of the tax base and sealing of loopholes in Tax administration- VAT Act 2013; reform of Income Tax Act planned; Tax Procedures Bill 2014 & Excise Duty Bill 2014; 2. Private capital key in resourcing 3. Borrowing from the domestic market- Treasury Bills and bonds: 4. Shift from traditional sources of external funding: West to the East? 5. Efforts must be put in place to strengthen the legal & institutional framework, PFM reforms to support resource mobilization strategies; Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
COUNTY GOVERNMENT- RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Invest in ICT & cross-institutional engagements to realize maximum impact; 2. Leverage on domestic tourism as a source of revenue; 3. Maximize on business licences; 4. Create a favorable environment to support entrepreneurship & attract investment through reforms of business regulatory frameworks; Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility
Thank You Credibility.Professionalism.AccountAbility