Math Message 1/6 of 30= 5/6 of 30 = 1/8 of 48 = 5/8 of 48 = 1/7 of 56 = 4/7 of 56 =
Adding Fractions with SAME Denominators When adding fractions with like denominators, ONLY add the numerators. Keep the denominator the same. 4 + 1 =
Try it!
Subtracting Fractions with SAME Denominators When subtracting fractions with like denominators, ONLY subtract the numerators. Keep the denominator the same. 4 - 1 =
Try it! 3 – 1 = ___ 25 – 13 = ___
Brainpop BrainPOP | Adding and Subtracting Fractions
You can add any fraction with DIFFERET denominators… Use what you know about equivalent fractions to make the two fractions have the same denominator.
Uncommon Denominators You have to make them common denominators by finding the LCD LCD - least common denominator (lowest multiple of both numbers) Multiply numerator and denominator by the same number to get same denominators Rewrite the fractions to match 2/3 + 2/6 2/3 * 2/2= 4/6 4/6 + 2/6= 6/6 = 1
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
S.L. 7.5 Math Box 7.5 U:\Math\iTLG Grade 4