Fractions Students will solve Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division problems with fractions, including both positive and negative fractions.
What do you remember about fractions? Create Foldable – color copy paper – fold your paper hotdog style (leaving about an inch from the bottom (like you see below), then fold the paper in half and then in half again and label the inch spaces as labeled below. AdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivision
Independently – in your notes (on lined paper) Take a minute to write down anything you remember about fractions.
Now, with your group.... Together with your group, discuss what you each wrote down. On the sticky notes, write what your group agreed upon and then place your notes on the posters around the room for: ADDITION, SUBTRACTION, MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION.
Walk About... Now, each group will have an opportunity to “walk about” the room and read the posters. If your group finds something that they agree with, but didn’t have it already listed in their notes, write it down now.
Put it All TOGETHER... Let’s now talk about the posters. Addition – do we all agree with everything listed? Subtraction – do we all agree with everything listed? Multiplication - do we all agree with everything listed? Division - do we all agree with everything listed?
Fill in your foldable... Now, fill in your foldable with everything your group, and the class has now agreed upon for ADDITION of fractions, SUBTRACTION of fractions, MULTIPLICATION of fractions, and DIVISION of fractions.
Partner Work (Pizzazz C-69) How’s Business? Show ALL of your work on notebook paper for each of the problems. Fill in the puzzle to check if you are correct.
HOMEWORK Why Did Zorna Flunk the Grammar Test? Question 1-9 fill in the puzzle to check if you are right)