1 ISRS/CECT Update Minnesota State Colleges & Universities Business & Industry Services
2 Background In September of 2008, a month long pilot was conducted at five campuses to determine the advantages and functionality of using Lumens, a software vendor for online student registration and payment. The pilot campuses used the vendor’s software for the CE/CT online student registration and payment process. The results of the pilot showed advantages in using the vendor’s software in these identified areas: ◦ Registration Management ◦ Student Management ◦ Course Management ◦ Marketing ◦ Business Procedures and Financial Concerns ◦ Data Management Reporting ◦ System Support, Training and Ease of Use ◦ System Access
3 Strategic Actions o Steps in understanding the overall business needs for a successful CE/CT online student registration and payment process: oThree business needs gathering sessions were scheduled in March at these facilities with a user focus group comprised of CE/CT campus staff from various campuses: oAnoka Tech oHennepin Tech oInver Hills oThe business needs gathering sessions focused on CE/CT online registration and payment for these areas: oStudent Registration and Payment oBusiness Group Registration and Payment oBack Office Management of Registration and Payment oThe CE/CT IT Project Manager (Kris Gerber) and the IT Business Analyst (Michelle Dowell) facilitated all three sessions.
o The business needs gathered from these sessions are being formalized into a formal Business Requirements document in draft format and will be distributed to other service units within MnSCU including Finance, Marketing, Registrars, Financial Aid, and International Research. oThese service units will provide additional feedback on the already gathered business needs of the CE/CT campus staff. The feedback session will be facilitated by Kris Gerber and Michelle Dowell which is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12, oThe final Business Requirements document stating the business needs of the CE/CT campus users along with the additional feedback from the MnSCU service units will distributed to all key stakeholders for final review. oThe reviewed Business Requirements document will be used as the basis in identifying a CE/CT solution that supports the campuses future growth opportunities and needs.