7.2 President’s Job
Constitutional Powers Duties Only official of fed. gov’t elected by the whole nation Main job is to carry out the laws passed by Congress
Constitution powers: Veto bills Call Congress into special session Commander in chief of armed forces Welcome leaders of other nations Make treaties (with Senate’s ok) Appoint officials Judges, ambassadors, etc., (w/Senate approval) Pardon people convicted of fed crimes
Requires a State of the Union Address Speech to congress Discuss important issues Roles of the Pres. Chief Executive In charge of 15 departments In charge of 3 million civilian workers Has executive order Has force of law Can pardon, issue reprieve, grant amnesty
Diplomat Directs foreign policy How we act towards other countries Commander in Chief Back up foreign policy w/force if needed Power to make war Only Congress can declare it though Only Pres. Can send troops into battle
Legislative Leader Proposes legislation Asks for support for legislation Head of State Living symbol of nation Meets dignitaries from other countries Ceremonial functions Give medals to heroes Lay wreaths at graves Light nation’s Christmas tree
Economic Leader Plans fed. Budget Tries to correct economic problems Unemployment, inflation, recession, etc. Party Leader Head of his political party Works to get his party members elected Raise money, etc.