Unit15 The diamond necklace
1.To go on c______ 2.A large formal party at which people dance b___ 3.To know who someone is because you have seen him or her before r________ 4.A very hard, precious stone d______ 5.Beautiful things that are usually made of valuable materials j________ 6. Something owed, such as money, goods, or services. d____ ontinue all ecognize iamond ewellery ebt
To pay the full amount on (a debt). To visit sb Return to sb what one has borrowed from him Not more than Any longer starting from now at most Pay off call on any more pay back
Jewellery ring earring necklace gold silver diamond
Guy de Maupassant Guy de Maupassant ( ), French author of the naturalistic school who is generally considered the greatest French short story writer. Bel-Ami 漂亮朋友 La Parure 项链 Boule de suif 羊脂球 Two Friends 两个朋友
戏剧是一种舞台表演艺术, 没有舞台,没有演员, 便没有戏剧戏剧是一种舞台表演艺术。一出戏的 演出,首先要有剧本作为舞台演出的基础;还要 有布景、道具、化妆、灯光、服装和效果;有的 要音乐伴奏;演员的形体动作要有舞蹈因素,等 等。戏剧是文学、美术、音乐和舞蹈等多种艺术 的综合体。综合性,是戏剧的显著特征。 戏剧 和其他艺术样式的不同点,就在于它通过演员 的语言和形体动作来表现人物性格、开展故事情 节,以揭示既定的主题。因此,演员在舞台上所 塑造的戏剧形象是直接形象。
skimming Listen to the tape and answer: What’s the general idea of this text? Mathilde Loisel borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Janne. When they met in the park ten years later, Janne didn’t recognize Mathilde at first and then Mathilde told Janne what had happened to her. A story about a diamond necklace.
scanning Summarize the main idea of the three scenes. – Scene 1 Scene 1Scene 1 – Scene 2 Scene 2 Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 3 – Scene 3Scene 3
Scene 1 TimePlaceParts General idea One afternoon, 1870 A park in Paris Mathilde, Jeanne Mathilde tells Jeanne about her ten years of hard life.
Comprehensive Reading 1. Why didn’t Jeanne recognize Mathilde at first? 2.Why did she look older than her age? 3.What was the life Mathilde lived in the past ten years like? and why? Questions for Scene One
Scene 2 Ten years before The home of Mathilde and Pierre Loisel Mathilde and Pierre Loisel Pierre and his wife were invited to the ball at the palace.They decided to borrow some jewellery from Jeanne. TimePlaceParts General idea
1.Pierre told Mathilde a good news, Why did Mathilde worry? 2. What else did she want to wear except a dress? 3. What did Pierre suggest? 4. What did they decide to do? Why? Questions for Scene Two Comprehensive Reading
Scene 3 Scene 3 Time: Place: Parts: General idea : In the park Ten years later Mathilde, Jeanne Mathilde lost the necklace at the ball. So she and her husband worked ten years to pay for it. But ten years later, Jeanne told her the necklace was not a real diamond necklace.
1. What kind of necklace did she get? 2. How did they enjoy the ball at the palace ? 3. What did they do for Jeanne after Mathilde lost Jeanne’s necklace? 4. What did they do in order to pay off the debt? Questions for Scene Three Comprehensive Reading
Jeanne: a young lady, rich but warm-hearted Mathilde: a young lady, pretty, but vain Pierre: a government worker, not rich but ambitious
Sorry, I didn’t recognize you. I know I look older than my age now. That’s because of hard work…
But I don’t think we can go. I haven’t got … I have no jewellery. I can’t be…
“ So I called on you and…” “And then I saw …”
“During the next ten years we both…” “It cost us thirty- six thousand francs.”
The necklace wasn’t a real diamond necklace.It was…!
Homework The story hasn’t been finished yet. Can you imagine what will happen to Mathilde after she knows the truth? Continue the story.