What do all animals need to live? Eating a variety of healthy foods helps us grow strong and healthy Story Time: Monsters Don’t Eat Broccoli – What kinds of food did the monsters eat? – Can animals eat tractors, rocket ships, and redwood trees? – What do animals eat?
5 food groups: Fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, dairy
Dairy/Dairy Substitutes
1. There are bags for each of the five food groups – fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. There is also an extra bag for “treats.” (Should we eat treats every day?) 2.You will receive a toy food item. When you are called on, please place your food item in the correct food group bag.
Eating food from each food group helps us grow strong and healthy. Should we eat food from only one food group for every meal every day?
Eat a variety of foods. Eat food from every food group – fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy/dairy substitutes. Eat at least one fruit or vegetable at every meal. Eat food in a rainbow of colors. Can you name a red fruit or vegetable? Orange or yellow? Green? Blue? Purple?
It’s your turn to try it out! Instructions: Decorate your plate using all 5 food groups. Color and cut out the food items and then paste them on to the plate in the correct section.
All animals need food to live and grow. There are 5 food groups – fruit, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy. Every meal should include food from each group. Decorate your plate with many colorful fruits and vegetables every day.