Jonah Mungoshi, The Success Coach Motivating People in a Change Process
1. Extrinsic 2. Intrinsic 3. Marslow’s Hierarchy “An Inner force that compels action” Dennis Waitley What is Motivation?
1. Growth 2. Opportunity 3. Break It! Change or Challenge
1. Goal Clarity 2. Effective Leadership 3. Communication 4. WIIFM 5. Team 6. Action & Results 7. Accountability 8. Resources 9. Fun Factor Motivating a Team
1. Purpose 2. Vision Goal Clarity
1. Being Real 2. Major on Major Issues 3. Consistency 4. Reward 5. Equity 6. Relate 7. Minimise Bureaucracy 8. Decisiveness Effective Leadership
1. Cowardice 2. Pride 3. Low Self Esteem 4. Fear 5. Being Reactive 6. Attachments Motivating YOU - Inertia
1. What’s your purpose? 2. Where are you headed? (WYSIWYG) 3. Sphere of Influence 4. Be an Expert 5. Mind Your Own Business 6. Start Right Here, Right Now Motivating YOU - Action
“If you don’t happen to things, then things will happen to you” Motivating People in a Change Process
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