Geography - the presence of geographic boundaries and political institutions Team Members:


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Presentation transcript:

Geography - the presence of geographic boundaries and political institutions Team Members:

Where in the world is (society) locate?

Identify major land formations within the immediate region

How were political boundaries determined?

Economy - an economy that produces food surpluses.

What foods did they consume?

What natural resources allowed agriculture to be successful?

What jobs became part of the food process?

Division of Labor - existence of social classes

What new jobs were created?

How did society organize itself?

Culture - developed systems of religion, learning, art, and architecture.

How did religion influence this society?

How was knowledge passed on from generation to generation?

Find two pieces of artwork that represent this society?

Find three pictures that are representative of this society.

Writing - a system of record keeping.

What evidence exists of a written language?

What is the purpose of record keeping?